Difference Between King and Emperor

Difference Between King and Emperor

King vs. Emperor

What is difference between King and Emperor? We all know that kings and emperors are rulers. But there are some differences that make these both different from each other. Below this post is all about the difference between King and Emperor.

Difference Between King and Emperor

An emperor is known as the ‘King of Kings’. Any king is less in the appointment of an emperor. Often, in epic stories, the emperor is a very powerful person compared to a king. The main difference in power is the number of countries governed by the person. The king governs a country or a group of states, while an emperor rules several countries. So the emperor considers himself more powerful than the king in this regard.

Sometimes the difference is simply due to the title that is used in a country. If in Japan, the ruler is known as the emperor, in Britain, the person will be known as the king of the United Kingdom. In the present case, the emperor of Japan is the only monarch who holds the title of emperor.

The responsibilities of both were very different. In the past, emperors were the people who took care of the global economic and military affairs of the countries. The emperors controlled the military forces, land, development, trade, import and export and improved relations between conquered colonies or countries. The kings had the task of caring for the well-being of people, healthy lifestyles, other economic and financial issues and petty import and exports. Therefore, responsibilities such as the expansion of the kingdom and protection were common to emperors and kings. But the emperors and empresses always above the kings and queens

When a king rules a country, it is known as his kingdom, but when an emperor rules a group of countries collectively he is known as an Empire. The Roman Empire is an example. Another example to differentiate between the Empire and the kingdoms is the rule of the British Empire in India. The people of the British Empire were rulers of the kingdoms of India while there were many small kings in the country. George V was known as the King of Great Britain and the Emperor of India.

In many countries, the emperor was seen as an incarnation of God himself or as chosen by God to rule the people. But kings do not look that way; the king is often treated as the mortal that happens to the previous king.

There is also a title of Emperor-King. This designation is given to a person who is a king of a country and emperor of another country. This title is usually given when a combination between an imperial and royal crown occurs.


  • The emperor is superior in rank and honor to the king.
  • The king rules a country, while the emperor rules a group of countries.
  • An emperor rules an Empire, while a King rules a kingdom.

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