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Difference between Imagination and Intuition

Difference between Imagination and Intuition

Imagination vs. Intuition

What is Difference between Imagination and Intuition? Many people tend to get confused when they use the concepts imagination and intuition. But what is the difference between these two concepts? This article will clarify any confusion and misunderstanding that may arise and clarify the differences between these two concepts. Below this post is all about the difference between Imagination and Intuition.

Difference between Imagination and Intuition

Let’s start with the concept of imagination. By definition, imagination is the ability of a person to form and develop concepts, images and even sensations in his mind. It is very often used as a creative tool to serve as a response to personal desires and intentions. Imagination helps many people to visualize certain ideas, places and things that are presented to them through details and other pieces of information that are presented to them.

This is very often the case of business men and women who discuss a particular project. Imagination also helps in the learning process by allowing you to relate certain words and concepts to images and sensations. For many people, the imagination serves as a means of escape that provides a means of transport to a place where that person feels very comfortable and relaxed. Commonly, this is seen a lot among children who play and dress to portray certain characters and who mimic several scenes they have read in a story or have seen on television.

On the other hand, the concept of intuition is commonly referred to the ability of a person to acquire knowledge without the need to have a base knowledge in such learning. The term intuition comes to the surface when a person finds himself in a predicament where he has to make a decision. A person who uses their intuition when making decisions is a person who does not need much evidence to support their decision. Intuition is also partly associated with the way a person feels in a certain situation. This is the reason why many people who use intuition, simply say if they have a good or bad feeling about that situation that requires them to make a particular decision.

In Summary:

  • Both terms help us acquire knowledge. The imagination allows us to obtain knowledge through the formation of concepts, images and sensations in the mind. Intuition obtains knowledge about a particular situation without the need to have any basis in the acquisition of knowledge.
  • Often, imagination is associated with creativity. Intuition, on the other hand, is associated with the feelings that a person has regarding a particular situation.
  • Imagination is used by people to visualize a project or proposal to help them make decisions. Intuition helps people make decisions in a particular setting based on their feelings, and not necessarily what is presented to them.

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