Difference between Copy and Plagiarism | Copy vs. Plagiarism

Difference between Copy and Plagiarism | Copy vs. Plagiarism

Copy Vs. Plagiarism

Difference between Copy and Plagiarism: – At present, with all the scandal generated following the speech of Melania; the wife of Donald Trump, much has been said about what plagiarism is and what it is to copy what someone else has done.

What many people sometimes ignore is that the act of plagiarism is not the same as copying, nor do they have the same implications or receive the same punishments.

Difference between Copy and Plagiarism

If you are also wondering what the difference is between copy and plagiarism or just want a little more information about it, continue reading, because then we explain some points concerning this subject.

Copy (Copyright)

Surely you remember when teachers instructed students to copy words or sentences on the chalkboard, teachers, and administrators made copies of newspaper articles, magazines, or brochures;

they sent you to copy poems or fragments of books; among other things.

However, in those days you understood that when the teachers told you “do not copy so-and-so” the connotation of the word “copy” was different from the previous cases.

Even the teachers often use the words copying and plagiarizing indistinctly.

Copying is the act of doing or saying the same thing someone else has said or done; although in some cases you can copy the style of another and still say or do different things.

Now, who copy does not do it with bad intention or for the purpose of taking personal advantage of the work of another.

It is usually copied for recreational and educational purposes without necessarily being frowned upon, much less punished.

Who copies may or may not recognize the original author, however, always recognizes that the work is not his; that is; he does not attribute it to himself.


On the other hand, plagiarism is an exact copy of what someone else did or said; but in this case,

who has been responsible for plagiarizing the work of the other is attributed to him and does not recognize the original author at all.

Whoever incurs plagiarism from the work of others commits fraud and robbery; therefore,

depending on some factors it is possible that the plagiarist even receives a fine, a moral punishment, and even some years in prison.

Today there are many copyright laws that regulate and protect the intellectual rights of people.

All this with the aim of preventing some individuals from assigning works of others as their own and thus incur plagiarism.

What are the Different Kinds of Plagiarism?

  • Direct Plagiarism:
  • Self-Plagiarism:
  • Mosaic Plagiarism:
  • Accidental Plagiarism

Key Differences between copy and Plagiarism

  • Copying is the practice of making one or more similar copies out of a copy.
  • copying is (countable) while plagiarism is (uncountable)
  • plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves both stealing, lying and replicating else’s work.
  • As a rule of thumb, copying 5 of the writer’s words in a row refers to as plagiarism


What happens to us when we are awake is what most contributes to the content of our dreams,

so it is impossible to dream of people we have never seen; In addition, our age and gender play an important role in this process.

Finally, our dreams emphasize visual perceptions and emotions at the expense of reasoning and logic.

Although we sometimes control them, dreams are involuntary and while we have them we do not have our capacities to judge, think and think as we do when we are fully conscious.

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