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Differences between Votre and Vos

Differences between Votre and Vos

In French, there are two ways to say “you”. Vous is formal, used when talking to someone you don’t know well or someone who is in a position of authority. Votre is more familiar and less formal. It’s the way you would address a friend or family member. Even though the difference between the two words is just one letter, the implications can be huge. Knowing when to use which word can make all the difference in how your message is received. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these two forms of “you”, and explain when it’s appropriate to use each one.

What is Votre?

Votre and vos are both French words that can be translated to “your” in English. Votre is the singular form of “your” and is used when referring to one person. Vos is the plural form of “your” and is used when referring to more than one person. Votre can also be used as a possessive adjective, meaning that it modifies a noun to show that something belongs to someone. For example, “votre maison” means “your house.” Vos can also be used as a pronoun, meaning that it stands in for a noun. For example, “est-ce que vos savez ou est votre ami?” means “do you know where your friend is?” As you can see, both votre and vos are important words to know when learning French.

What is Vos?

Vos is a pronoun that can be used as a possessive adjective, meaning “your” in English. When used as a possessive adjective, Vos agrees with the noun it modifies in gender and number. For example, if you were talking about your friend’s dog, you would say “Vos perro es muy bonito” (Your dog is very cute). Vos can also be used as a subject pronoun, meaning “you” in English.

When used as a subject pronoun, Vos always takes the form Vosotros when referring to a group of males or a group of mixed genders. Vos can also be used as an object pronoun, meaning “you” in English. When used as an object pronoun, Vos agrees with the verb it is paired with in person and number. For example, if you wanted to say “I’m going to call you,” you would say “Te voy llamar.” As you can see, Vos can be a very versatile pronoun!

Differences between Votre and Vos

Votre and vos are both French words that can be translated to “your” in English. Votre is the singular form of “your” and is used when referring to one person. Vos is the plural form of “your” and is used when referring to more than one person. Votre can also be used as a possessive adjective, meaning that it modifies a noun to show that something belongs to someone.

For example, “votre maison” means “your house.” Vos can also be used as a pronoun, meaning that it stands in for a noun. For example, “est-ce que vos savez ou est votre ami?” means “do you know where your friend is?” As you can see, both votre and vos are important words to know when learning French.


Although there are some differences between the two, both forms have their place in French grammar. In most cases, it is best to use vous unless you are speaking to one person and know them very well. When in doubt, use vous – it’s better to be polite than risk sounding too familiar or informal.

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