Differences between Sister and Non Sister Chromatids

Differences between Sister and Non Sister Chromatids

A sister chromatid is a duplicate of a chromosome that is formed when the chromosomes replicate during cell division. Sister chromatids are identical and since they come from the same chromosome, they are always inherited together. Nonsister chromatids, on the other hand, refer to chromosomes that are not duplicates of each other. They can come from different parents or even be from different parts of the same chromosome. Chromosomes that are not sister chromatids are usually not inherited together.

What is Sister Chromatid?

  • Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a chromosome that are joined together at the centromere. Sister chromatids form during cell replication when the DNA double helix unzips and each strand serves as a template for the new complementary strand.
  • The result is two complete, but separate DNA molecules. Sister chromatids are held together until the cell enters mitosis or meiosis when they are separated and become individual chromosomes.
  • Sister chromatids play an important role in ensuring that each daughter cell receives an exact copy of the genetic information contained in the parent cell. Without sister chromatids, DNA replication would not be accurate, and cells would quickly become genetically unstable. As a result, sister chromatids are essential for the survival of all organisms.

What is Non-Sister Chromatid?

Non-Sister Chromatid is a chromatid that is not genetically identical to the other chromatid in the pair. This can occur due to genetic recombination during meiosis, or it can be the result of mutations.

  • Non-sister chromatids can also occur when cells are damaged, causing one of the chromosomes to break and Repair. Non-sister chromatids can lead to problems during cell division, as they are often not aligned properly with the other chromosome in the pair.
  • This can cause errors in DNA replication, and it can also lead to aneuploidy. Non-sister chromatid is a relatively common cause of spontaneous abortion. It is also thought to be involved in some types of cancer.
  • treatment for non-sister chromatids generally involves correcting the underlying cause, such as repairing DNA damage or preventing mutations. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the affected cells from the body.
  • Differences between Sister and Non-Sister Chromatids
  • Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a chromosome that are joined together at the centromere. Sister chromatids are formed during S phase of the cell cycle when DNA is replicated. Non-sister chromatids are two different chromosomes that are not genetically identical.
  • Non-sister chromatids are formed during mitosis when the chromosomes are separated into different daughter cells. Sister chromatids are held together by cohesion between their centromeres, while non-sister chromatids are not held together by cohesion.
  • Sister chromatids can exchange genetic information through crossing over, while non-sister chromatids cannot exchange genetic information. Sister chromatids are separated during meiosis I, while non-sister chromatids are separated during meiosis II. Sister chromatids can be visualized as identical twins, while non-sister chromatids can be visualized as fraternal twins.


Chromosomes are threadlike structures in cells that carry genes. During cell division, chromosomes replicate so each new cell has a complete set of genetic instructions. The process of replication is called mitosis. In mitosis, sister chromatids are identical copies of the original chromosome. Non-sister chromatids are not genetically identical to one another.

They may have different alleles for a particular gene, which could result in different phenotypes (physical characteristics) for the organism. So what accounts for these differences? Researchers still aren’t sure, but they have some hypotheses. One possibility is that during replication, enzymes may attach to or detach from the DNA molecule, which could change how tightly the DNA is wound around proteins called histones.

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