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Differences between Remote Procedure Call and Document Style

Differences between Remote Procedure Call and Document Style

When it comes to developing software, there are two main ways of doing things: the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Document Style. Both have their own benefits and drawbacks that you should be aware of before starting your next project. In this post, we’ll take a look at the differences between these two development styles so you can make an informed decision about which is right for you.

What is Remote Procedure Call?

  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol that allows a computer program to request a service from another program located in a different system. RPC uses the client-server model: the requesting program is a client, and the service-providing program is the server.
  • RPC is used by many programs and systems, often without the user being aware of it. For example, when you print a document, the print spooler on your computer uses RPC to send the document to the printer.
  • Remote Procedure Call can be used with a variety of programming languages and operating systems, making it a very flexible tool. It is also relatively easy to use, which has contributed to its widespread popularity. Thanks to Remote Procedure Calls, computers can communicate and cooperate more effectively, making our lives easier and more convenient in the process.

What is Document Style?

Document Style paradigms for implementing web service involve having a machine-readable document that defines the services that are available on the website. This document can be in the form of an XML file, which specifies the different operations that can be performed on the data, as well as the inputs and outputs for each operation.

The Document Style paradigm is one of the most popular paradigms for implementing web services, as it provides a simple and straightforward way to develop and deploy these services. Additionally, Document Style paradigms are often used in conjunction with other paradigms, such as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), to provide a more comprehensive solution.

Differences between Remote Procedure Call and Document Style

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Document Style are two popular paradigms for implementing web services. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which to use depends on the specific needs of the project.

  • RPC is well suited for applications that require a high degree of interoperability, such as those that need to interface with legacy systems. It is also easy to implement since it uses a simple request-response model. However, RPC can be less flexible than document style, since it relies on strong contracts between the client and server.
  • Document style, on the other hand, is more flexible since it uses XML to describe messages. This makes it easier to integrate with other systems and to change message formats if needed.
  • However, document style can be more complex to implement, since XML parsing is required on both the client and server sides. In addition, document style can be less efficient than RPC, since XML messages are larger and require more bandwidth.


We’ve looked at the differences between Remote Procedure Calls and Document Style. RPCs are more efficient, as they allow for multiple calls to be made in a single request, but can be more difficult to use than document style when you need to return data from the server. In contrast, document style is easier to use but may require more requests.

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