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Difference between Vector Quantity and Scalar Quantity

Difference between Vector Quantity and Scalar Quantity

In mathematics, a quantity is either a vector quantity or a scalar quantity. A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction, whereas a scalar quantity has only magnitude. Vectors are often represented by an arrow with the length of the arrow representing the magnitude and the direction represented by the orientation of the arrow. Scalars can be represented by numbers, such as temperatures or masses. In physics, vectors are often used to model forces, while scalars are used to model properties like temperature or mass. Understanding the difference between vector quantities and scalar quantities is important for doing physics problems correctly.

What is Vector Quantity?

  • Vector Quantity is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Vector quantities are represented by arrows, with the length of the arrow representing the magnitude of the quantity and the direction of the arrow representing the direction. Vector quantities are often used in physics to represent such things as velocity, force, and acceleration. Vector quantities can be added and subtracted using a process called vector addition or vector subtraction. Vector addition is simply adding the magnitudes of the vectors together and keeping the direction the same.
  • Vector subtraction is finding the difference in magnitude between two vectors and keeping the direction opposite of the vector being subtracted. Multiplication of vector quantities is a bit more complicated and is usually done using one of two methods, scalar multiplication or vector multiplication. Scalar multiplication is simply multiplying the magnitude of a vector by a number, which results in a vector in the same direction but with a different magnitude. Vector multiplication is when two vectors are multiplied together resulting in a new vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors.
  • The most common form of vector multiplication is cross multiplication, which is only possible with two three-dimensional vectors. Vector division does not actually result in a vector, but rather a scalar quantity. Vector division is finding the ratio between two vectors by dividing the magnitude of one vector by another vector’s magnitude.

What is Scalar Quantity?

Scalar quantity is a physical quantity that is completely specified by its magnitude. Scalar quantities include mass, time, temperature, and electric charge. Vectors are not Scalars because Scalars have only magnitude while Vectors have magnitude and direction. Scalar quantities can be added and subtracted like real numbers, but cannot be multiplied or divided. Scalar products of two vectors are always a scalar quantity. Examples of Scalar multiplication are: increasing the size of an object while keeping its shape unchanged (dilation) and changing the speed of an object while keeping its direction unchanged ( velocity).

Many physical quantities can be either a scalar or vector depending on how they are being used. For example, force can be a vector when it causes an object to accelerate, but it can also be a scalar when it is used to maintain equilibrium. In general, any quantity that can be represented by a single real number is a scalar quantity. Examples of Scalar quantities include: mass, length, time, temperature, electric charge, and speed.

Difference between Vector Quantity and Scalar Quantity

Vector and Scalar are two types of quantities used in mathematics. Vector quantity has both magnitude and direction, while scalar quantity has only magnitude. Vector is denoted by an arrow above it, while Scalar is denoted by a dot above it. Vector addition and subtraction are different from Scalar addition and subtraction. In Vector addition and subtraction, the direction of the Vector is considered, while in Scalar addition and subtraction, only the Magnitude is considered.

For example, consider two Vector quantities A and B. Vector A has a magnitude of 2 and Vector B has a magnitude of 3. The resultant Vector C = A + B will have a magnitude of 5 and the direction will be the same as Vector A because Vector A is considered as the reference Vector. If we consider Scalar quantity, then 2 + 3 = 5 and the resultant scalar quantity will be 5 irrespective of the direction.Thus we can say that a Vector quantity is fully defined by its Magnitude and Direction, while a Scalar quantity is only defined by its Magnitude.


Vector and scalar quantities are important concepts to understand when working with physics problems. In physics, a vector quantity is described by both magnitude and direction, while a scalar quantity has only magnitude. This difference can be seen in everyday life- for example, the force of an object depends on both its mass and acceleration. Vectors are often used in mathematical models to help explain physical phenomena. It’s important to be able to distinguish between vectors and scalars in order to solve physics problems correctly.

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