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Difference between Jam and Preserves

Difference between Jam and Preserves

What’s the difference between jam and preserves? In short, jam is made from crushed fruit while preserves are made from whole or sliced fruit. That said, there are many different ways to make both jam and preserves, so the line between the two can be blurry. This blog post will explore the differences between jam and preserves in more detail, as well as discuss some of the most popular recipes for each. At the end, you’ll hopefully have a better understanding of these two sweet spreads and be able to decide which one is right for you.

What is Jam?

Jam is a type of preserve made from fruits or vegetables that have been cooked down and often sweetened. Jam is typically made by boiling the fruit or vegetable down with sugar until it forms a thick, spreadable consistency. It can be used as a spread on breads or toast, or as a filling for pastries. Jam is also a popular ingredient in many recipes, such as Jam Tarts, Jam Doughnuts, and Jam Sponge Cake. While jam can be made from any type of fruit or vegetable, common varieties include strawberry jam, raspberry jam, blackberry jam, and apricot jam.

What is Preserve?

Preserve is a fruit spread made with whole fruit, cane sugar, and water. The fruit is cooked down into a thick jam-like consistency and then bottled or jarred. Preserve can be made with any type of fruit, but some of the most popular varieties include strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry. Preserve makes an excellent topping for toast or pancakes, and it can also be used in baking recipes. Because Preserve is made with real fruit, it contains no artificial flavors or colors. Preserve is a healthy alternative to traditional jelly or jam, and it is also vegan and gluten-free. For these reasons, Preserve has become a popular choice for health-conscious consumers.

Difference between Jam and Preserves

Jam and preserves are both fruit spreads that are often used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the two. Jam is made by cooking crushed or chopped fruit with sugar and sometimes pectin, which is a thickening agent. Preserves, on the other hand, are made by cooking whole fruit or large pieces of fruit with sugar. Jam is typically smoother in texture than preserves, which can have a chunky texture. Jam is also typically used as a spread or topping, while preserves can be used in baking or as a filling. While jam and preserves may be similar, there are some key differences between the two.


Jam and preserves are two different types of fruit spreads. The main difference between the two is that jam is made with crushed or chopped fruit, while preserves are made with whole pieces of fruit. Both products have a lot of sugar added to them, which helps to preserve the flavor and extend their shelf life. Jams tend to be a little softer than preserves, and they usually come in smaller jars. Preserves typically have a longer shelf life than jams because there is less moisture in them.

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