Difference Between TED and TEDx

Difference Between TED and TEDx

In 1984, TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) was founded as a way to spread “ideas worth sharing.” But what is TED? And what is the difference between TED and TEDx?TED is a global non-profit organization whose mission is “to spread ideas worth sharing.” Their goal is to create talks that are interesting and informative enough to be shared online.TEDx is event that are organized by volunteers who have been licensed by TED. The event must follow certain guidelines in order to be called a “TEDx.” These guidelines include having speakers who share an idea worth spreading, and live-streaming the event so that it can be watched around the world.

What is TED?

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design and is an organization dedicated to spreading ideas from the world’s leading thinkers.

  • Founded in 1984 with the idea of bringing together experts from each field to share their knowledge, TED has grown into a nonprofit platform used by keynote speakers, educators, and others to share their stories and insights on life today.
  • TED Talks are found online as well through TEDx events around the world which seek to spark conversation between members of communities.
  • TED has become quite popular due to its omnidirectional approach which focuses on areas such as science, entrepreneurship, education, global issues, and more.
  • The organization seeks to inform its audience of relevant topics while inspiring them with stories of innovation and hope for a better tomorrow.

What is TEDx?

TEDx is an independently organized TED event, created to bring TED-like experiences and TED-level ideas to local communities. TEDx seeks to provide a platform for TED talks from around the world where speakers can share their best stories, insights, and innovative ideas.

TEDx events offer a unique atmosphere for curious minds, invigorating conversations, thoughtful discussions, and stimulating debate about meaningful topics that can spark positive change. TEDx encourages us to open our minds to new perspectives on global concerns and strive for meaningful progress in our communities.

Difference Between TED and TEDx

TED and TEDx are two types of independent TED initiatives.

  • TED Talks are presented by TED speakers and TEDx Talks are presented by local communities and vetted by TED.
  • TED hosts conferences around the world where ideas can be exchanged, while TEDx is an independently organized event that showcases talks on a variety of themes.
  • The formatting of TED and TEDx events may differ but their common goal is to spread awareness and knowledge about different aspects of life.

Keeping the core TED standard in mind, each TEDx event works to emphasize its local identity and empower people in each community to engage with the talks they host.


The main difference is that TED is a global conference with speakers from all over the world, while TEDx events are organized by local volunteers who have to follow strict guidelines. Both conferences share the same goal of spreading ideas worth sharing, but because of the different formats and audiences, they offer unique perspectives and experiences.

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