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Difference between Stack and Queue

Difference between Stack and Queue

Do you know what’s the difference between Stacks and Queues? Many people are confused about it – so if you think you could benefit from an explanation of their main differences, this blog post is for you! We’ll take a look at not only the essential characteristics of both data structures, but also compare and contrast how each one works. By the end of this article, you should have a good understanding of when to use which type of structure in various programming scenarios. Let’s begin our exploration!

What is Stack?

Stack is a data structure that enables users to store and manage data. Stack follows the concept of Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) where the last item added to the stack is the first item that can be retrieved from it. This allows for efficient storage and retrieval of data, helping users save time and effort when dealing with large amounts of information. Stack has a wide range of applications, such as providing the basis for programming language documents and being used as memory in computers. Stack provides an organized structure for storing data, allowing users to quickly find the specific information they need at any given moment.

What is Queue?

Queue is a data structure that operates on the principle of FIFO or first in, first out. Queue is used in multiple areas such as computing, networking and transport systems to ensure that tasks are processed in an orderly fashion with the oldest item being completed first. Queues allow us to avoid scenarios, where no task can be completed since contention for resources, can cause deadlock.

Queue comes with other useful properties such as peek, enqueue and dequeue which enable efficient management of incoming data and items. Queuing is also essential when dealing with large amounts of incoming data due to its ability to be scaled dynamically as needed.

Difference between Stack and Queue

  • Stack and Queue are both essential data structures for many programming tasks. Stack is a First In Last Out Data Structure, meaning that the first element to go in is the last out – think of a stack of plates! Stack operations such as Push and Pop allow data to be stored and retrieved quickly.
  • On the other hand, Queue is a First In First Out Data Structure, meaning that the first item in is also the first one out – similar to a line of people waiting to enter an event.
  • Enqueue and Dequeue operations allow an ordered sequence of items while maintaining efficiency. Stack and Queue are beloved by programmers everywhere because they are both easy to use yet complex enough to handle complicated tasks quickly.


Stack and queue are both data structures that allow you to store and access elements of data in a certain order. The primary difference between the two is that stack allows only one element to be accessed at a time, while queue allows multiple elements to be accessed simultaneously. In terms of implementation, stack can be implemented using an array, while queue can be implemented using a linked list. When deciding which structure to use for your application, consider how many simultaneous accesses will be required and what the maximum number of items in the structure will be.

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