Difference between Seduction and Manipulation

Difference between Seduction and Manipulation

Seduction vs. Manipulation

Difference between Seduction and Manipulation: – Seduction and manipulation are two important ingredients of human behavior, which are based on techniques to influence others. Influence on another individual can be exercised consciously or unconsciously. Both manipulation and seduction fall into the category of influential behavior, but it is important to be clear that they are different behaviors.

Difference between Seduction and Manipulation

To clarify any doubts you may have about it, here’s the difference between seduction and manipulation.

Manipulation consists in taking advantage of situations or generating them consciously in order to influence others. It occurs naturally in humans from an early age.

We often manipulate other individuals as we grow in our day-to-day lives. A manipulative person takes advantage of the scenario and always conceals his true intentions.

An example of manipulation occurs when a child cries for his mother to buy sweets and if she decides not to buy them, the child increases crying and makes other tantrums. In this case it is manipulation because the child knows that his mother will want him to stop crying and that the chances that he will do what he wants are greater as his crying increases.

On the other hand, seduction is more related to persuasion and generally involves a series of offers that are intended for others to fall into temptation.

Those who are seducers often use lies to seduce and promise things that are impossible to actually fulfill. In most cases (not all), seduction involves sexual aspects, so seducers seek to influence the desires and emotions of others.

An example of seduction could be that a person who does not believe in fate or the lottery, one day decides to buy a ticket because he saw or read an ad that showed how good it would be to earn it. It may also be that a person is unconsciously seductive because he may not know how to behave in certain contexts.

As you can see, manipulation and seduction are different; but also have certain similarities. Now it is important to remember that in society manipulation can have worse consequences and is less accepted than seduction, especially when it is intended to manipulate people who occupy a relevant place within society.

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