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Difference between RPC and Document

Difference between RPC and Document

In the world of computer programming, there are two main ways to transmit data between a client and server – Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) and Documents. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, which this article will explore in detail. By understanding the differences between RPC and Documents, you can make an informed decision about which one to use in your own applications.

What is RPC?

  • RPC is an inter-process communication technique that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another process. RPC uses the client-server model of communication; the requesting process is the RPC client, and the service providing the requested operation is the RPC server. RPC is sometimes referred to as remote procedure call or just RPC. When RPC is used to refer specifically to the XDR standard, it is sometimes pronounced as “artsy.”
  • The term “RPC” is also used generically to refer to any protocol for invoking a subroutine in another process. However, not all such protocols are RPCs in the strict sense defined by X/Open Company Ltd.; for example, some implement message passing instead of procedure calls. Other ways of achieving inter-process communication include signals, message queues, shared memory, and pipes.
  • RPC should not be confused with RMI (Remote Method Invocation), which is a Java-specific mechanism for implementing RPCs. Nor should RPC be confused with message passing, which can be viewed as a more general form of RPC. Finally, RPC should not be confused with web services, which are a more recent way of achieving inter-application communications over a network. Web services typically use SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) rather than XDR.

What is a Document?

The Document interface represents any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page’s content, which is the DOM tree. The Document interface also provides methods to access and manipulate a web page’s URL and cookies. When a Document is first created, its URL is about:blank. If you want to access the URL of a Document after it has been loaded, you can use the Document.URL property. To change the URL, you can use the Document. open() method. This will open a new window with the specified URL. You can also use the Document. write() method to write HTML directly into the Document. Finally, the Document. cookie property allows you to access and manipulate a web page’s cookies.

Difference between RPC and Document

RPC and Document are two types of interfaces that are used to communicate between two applications. RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call while Document is a more generic term that refers to any kind of data that can be sent between two applications. RPC is more focused on calling specific procedures or functions that are located in another application, while Document is more concerned with transmitting any kind of data. RPC is typically faster than Document because it requires less overhead, but Document is more flexible because it can transmit any kind of data.


RPC and Documents are both important to consider when developing an API. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two so that you can choose the right one for your needs. When deciding which protocol to use, you should ask yourself a few questions:

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