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Difference between API and SDK

Difference between API and SDK

When most people think of application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs), they often think of them as one and the same. However, while they have some similarities, there are some key differences between APIs and SDKs that developers should be aware of. In this blog post, we’ll explore those differences and discuss why it’s important for developers to understand them. Stay tuned!

What is API?

API stands for “Application Programming Interface”. It is a set of rules that allow software programs to interact with each other. The API defines the proper way for a developer to write a program that requests services from an operating system or other application. It also defines how the operating system or application responds to that request. Without an API, a software program would have to hard-coded instructions for every type of system it needs to interact with. APIs make it possible for different software programs to share data and functionality, making development faster and easier. They also allow developers to focus on their own code, without having to worry about the details of how other systems work. As a result, APIs are an essential part of modern software development.

What is SDK?

A software development kit (SDK) is a collection of software development tools that allow for the creation of applications for a specific platform. SDKs are typically used by developers to create applications for mobile operating systems, such as Android or iOS. However, SDKs can also be used to create desktop or web-based applications. SDKs typically include a set of programming libraries, a compiler, and a set of tools for debugging and deploying applications. In recent years, SDKs have become increasingly important as platforms have become more complex and developers have needed more specialized tools to create high-quality applications. As a result, SDKs have become an essential part of the software development process.

Difference between API and SDK

API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and refers to the various means one company has of communicating with another company’s software internally. An API would allow a third party such as Facebook to directly access the various functions of an external application, such as ordering a product on Amazon. An SDK, on the other hand, would provide tools and code libraries that would allow developers to build integrations with an external platform. In the case of Facebook, this might include tools for posting content from an external site onto a user’s timeline. While both API and SDK can be used to facilitate communication between two software platforms, they serve different purposes and are used in different ways.


So, what is the difference between an API and an SDK? In short, an API exposes functionality or data to a developer, while an SDK includes everything needed to develop with that API including libraries, documentation, and example code. If you are looking for ways to expose your company’s functionality or data to developers, consider creating an API. If you want to make it easy for developers to start using your API, consider developing an SDK.

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