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Difference between Regular Bullet and Hollow Point Bullet

Difference between Regular Bullet and Hollow Point Bullet

A bullet is a projectile that is fired from a gun. Bullets come in different shapes and sizes, but the most common type of bullet is the round ball. There are two types of bullets that are commonly used: regular bullets and hollow point bullets. Regular bullets are made of metal and have a pointed tip. Hollow point bullets are also made of metal, but they have a hole in the middle of them. So, what’s the difference between regular bullets and hollow point bullets? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Regular Bullet?

A Regular Bullet is a type of ammunition designed for hunting purposes. It typically has a heavier bullet than regular ammunition, which allows for greater penetration and more damage to the target. Regular Bullet is also typically designed to expand upon impact, creating a larger wound channel and increasing the chances of a successful kill. As a result, Regular Bullet is often considered the best choice for hunters who are seeking to maximize their chances of success.

What is Hollow Point Bullet?

A Hollow Point Bullet is a type of ammunition that is designed to expand upon impact. The Hollow Point Bullets are typically used for hunting or self-defense purposes as they are more likely to cause serious damage to the target. The Hollow Point Bullet is filled with a lead core and surrounded by a copper jacket. When the Hollow Point Bullet hits the target, the lead core expands, and the copper jacket fragments, causing extensive damage to tissues and organs.

Difference between Regular Bullet and Hollow Point Bullet

Regular bullets are typically used for hunting, whereas hollow point bullets are designed for self-defense. Regular bullets have a pointed tip and are aerodynamic, which makes them good for long-range shooting. They can penetrate through flesh and bone, making them lethal. Hollow point bullets have a hollowed-out tip, which causes them to expand upon impact. This makes them more effective for close-range shooting because they cause more damage to the target. They are also less likely to pass through the target and hit someone else, which is an important consideration for self-defense. Regular bullets are more accurate but hollow point bullets are more deadly, making each type of bullet suitable for different purposes.


The difference between a regular bullet and a hollow point bullet is significant. A regular bullet pierces the target and goes straight through, while a hollow point bullet expands when it hits something, causing more damage to the target. For this reason, law enforcement officials and civilians use hollow point bullets for self-defense, as they provide more stopping power than regular bullets. If you’re looking to purchase ammunition for your firearm, it’s important to understand the difference between these two types of rounds.

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