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Difference between Proper Noun and Common Noun

Difference between Proper Noun and Common Noun

Proper vs. Common Noun

Difference between Proper Noun and Common Noun: – Summative are the words we use to name things, for example: people, animals, cities, etc. All nouns have their gender, this means that they can be feminine or masculine, and also have their number, which means that they can be plural or singular.

There are many types of nouns, but today we are two of the most used by society so you can see how they differ each of them, these are the proper nouns and common nouns. Below is all about the difference between proper noun and common noun.

Difference between Proper Noun and Common Noun

Proper Nouns
The proper nouns are the names that we use to identify something, be it a person, an animal or a country. These proper nouns must always carry their first letter in capital letters.

A clear example of what the proper nouns are, are all these proper names and their meanings , but also the names of cities or countries like Madrid, Spain, Barcelona, ​​Murcia, Mexico, etc. Some examples of proper nouns in a sentence:
Manuel has long hair.
The capital of Spain is wonderful.
Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player in the world.
I want to go to Mexico to eat quesadillas.
When we prepare to use the proper name of Antonio, to give an example, we will only be able to use this proper noun with those people who carry that name, in this way we can differentiate this person from another, because when Antonio hears that name, he knows that they are referring to him.

Common nouns
On the other hand, common nouns are those used to name objects and things that are of the same species. As for example they can be: the flowers, the girl, the cars, the television, the horses, etc.

Using the examples of previous common nouns in a sentence:

  • I have to get the flowers to water them.
  • The girl has gone for a walk.
  • Cars pollute a lot.
  • Turn on the TV, which I want to see.
  • We must train the horses.

When we are ready to name a flower, for example, this is a common noun and means that we are identifying any of the flowers that exist. Hopefully you have become clear what the difference between a proper noun and a common noun, if so share this article in your favorite social network to help us continue to write new content for this website.

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