Do you know the difference between polyps and fibroids? These two growths can affect women’s reproductive health, but many people don’t know what they are or how they differ. With unwanted side effects like abdominal pain and abnormal uterine bleeding, it is important that each woman understand these topics to recognize any signs of abnormality. In this blog post, we will dive into the details of both polyps and fibroids in order to better understand the differences between them – so keep reading!
What is Polyps?
- Uterine Polyps, also known as endometrial polyps, are growths that form from the inner lining of your uterus. These can range in size from a few millimeters to metric numerous centimeters and be black, yellow, or red in color.
- Polyps may also be composed of types of muscle tissue often found in this part of the body leading to irregular menstrual bleeding and infertility due to them blocking the path for sperm to reach an egg cell.
- Polyps may grow slowly for months or even years before they are detected through ultrasound or biopsy testing. It is important to get these Polyps removed if a diagnosis is made as they can potentially become malignant and lead to uterine cancer over time.
What is Fibroids?
- Uterine Fibroids, also known as Fibromyomas, are firm non-cancerous tumors that can grow on the walls of the uterus. Fibroids usually do not cause problems and go unnoticed, but they can cause abnormal bleeding, pain in the abdomen, or backache.
- In some cases, fibroids can also lead to infertility or miscarriage. Fibroids may range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters and are caused by an imbalance in hormones such as estrogen or progesterone.
- Fibroids can be treated with medication, surgery, or other minimally invasive procedures depending on their severity. Although rarely serious and often harmless, it is important to have regular gynaecological check-ups so that any developing fibroids can be detected early.
Difference between Polyps and Fibroids
Polyps and Fibroids are both structural growths that can affect different parts of a person’s body; however, they are produced by different processes.
- Polyps generally grow in places that have mucosal lining and are usually benign; their cause is typically unknown but may be linked to chronic inflammation or hormonal changes.
- Fibroids, on the other hand, is made up of muscle cells and often develop from uterine tissue in women; these tumors can grow large and create organ dysfunction or pressure in adjacent tissues if left untreated.
Polyps and Fibroids may share some similarities in terms of how they produce symptoms – for instance, both can cause pain or discomfort – but overall, they differ significantly depending on where they occur within the body.
Women of childbearing age are especially prone to the growth of benign tumors in the uterus. Two common types of these growths are uterine fibroids and endometrial polyps. Although they may cause similar symptoms, such as abnormal bleeding or pelvic pain, these two conditions are very different. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths made up of muscle tissue, while polyps form on the lining of the uterus and may become cancerous if left untreated. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of both conditions so you can seek treatment from your gynecologist if necessary.