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Difference between Polar and Non-polar

Difference between Polar and Non-polar

There is a big difference between polar and non-polar molecules. Polar molecules have positive and negative charges that are unevenly distributed, while non-polar molecules do not have any charges. This is what makes them behave differently in different environments.

What is Polar?

Polar molecules are molecules in which the electron-pushing elements do not share electrons equally. The electrons are pulled closer to one element than the other, giving the molecule a slightly negative charge on one side (the side where the electron-poor element is) and a slightly positive charge on the other (the side where the electron-rich element is). This unequal sharing of electrons creates a dipole, which gives polar molecules their distinctive properties. Polar molecules are attracted to each other because opposite charges attract, while non-polar molecules are not attracted to each other because their charges are the same. Polar molecules also have higher melting and boiling points than non-polar molecules because it takes more energy to break them apart.

What is Non-polar?

Non-polar molecules are those that have equal sharing of electrons between the atoms in a molecule. This creates a symmetrical distribution of electron density around the molecule. Non-polar molecules do not have dipole moments, and they are generally less reactive than polar molecules. The reason for this is that polar molecules have a dipole moment, which means that they have a slightly positive charge on one side and a slightly negative charge on the other. This creates an imbalance in the electron distribution, which makes the molecule more reactive. Non-polar molecules, on the other hand, have an equal distribution of electrons around the molecule, which makes them less reactive.

Difference between Polar and Non-polar

The terms polar and non-polar refer to the distribution of electrical charge across the atoms in a molecule. In a polar molecule, the charges are not evenly distributed, while in a non-polar molecule, the charges are evenly distributed. This difference arises from the fact that atoms have different electronegativities, which is a measure of how strongly they attract electrons. When atoms with different electronegativities form a bond, the electrons are pulled more towards one atom than the other, resulting in a polar bond.

The polarity of a molecule depends on the number and types of bonds present. For example, water (H2O) is a polar molecule because it contains two polar bonds. The difference in electronegativity between oxygen (3.44) and hydrogen (2.20) is 1.24, which is greater than 0.5 (the threshold for polarity). However, methane (CH4) is a non-polar molecule because all of its bonds are non-polar. The electronegativity difference between carbon (2.55) and hydrogen (2.20) is only 0.35, which is less than 0.5. As a result, methane has no net dipole moment and is therefore non-polar.


In conclusion, polar molecules have a permanent positive or negative end, while non-polar molecules do not. Non-polar molecules are attracted to other non-polar molecules because of their shared electron pairs, while polar molecules are drawn together by opposite charges. This is an important distinction when considering the types of products you offer and how they will interact with one another.

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