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Difference between Paxil and Prozac

Difference between Paxil and Prozac

Paxil and Prozac are both antidepressants that are used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. While they both belong to the same class of drugs, there are some key differences between them. This can include their dosage, how long they take to work, and their side effects. Let’s take a closer look at these two medications and see which might be a better fit for you.

What is Paxil?

Paxil is a prescription medication that belongs to a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Paxil is used to treat depression, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Paxil works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood. Paxil is usually taken once daily with or without food. The most common side effects of Paxil include nausea, headaches, insomnia, and sexual problems. Paxil can also cause more serious side effects, including an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Paxil should not be taken with MAO inhibitors or other medications that increase serotonin levels. Paxil should also be used with caution in people with seizure disorders or liver disease.

What is Prozac?

Prozac is a medication used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. It belongs to a class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Prozac works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood, sleep, and appetite. Prozac is typically taken once daily, with or without food. Common side effects include nausea, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction. Prozac is available in generic form and under the brand names Sarafem and Prozac Weekly.

It was first approved by the FDA in 1987. Prozac should not be used during pregnancy unless the benefits outweigh the risks. If you become pregnant while taking Prozac, talk to your doctor about whether you should continue taking the medication. Prozac can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. You should not breastfeed while taking Prozac. Prozac is not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.

Difference between Paxil and Prozac

Paxil and Prozac are both commonly prescribed antidepressants. They both work by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain, which helps to improve mood. However, there are some key differences between the two drugs. Paxil is a newer drug and is more likely to cause side effects such as nausea, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction. Prozac is an older drug and has a lower risk of side effects. It is also available in generic form, which is much cheaper than Paxil. When choosing between Paxil and Prozac, it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.


The two medications, Paxil and Prozac, are both selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) but they work in different ways. Paxil is a short-acting SSRI that blocks the serotonin transporter protein from removing serotonin from the synaptic cleft. This increases the amount of serotonin available to bind to postsynaptic receptors. Prozac is a long-acting SSRI that binds irreversibly to the serotonin transporter protein and inhibits its function.

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