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Difference between Parameter and Perimeter

Difference between Parameter and Perimeter

Parameters and perimeters seem like similar words, but they actually have very different meanings. A parameter is a specific value that is set for a certain task or calculation, while perimeter is the total length of all the sides of a shape. In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference between these two terms in more detail. We’ll also give some examples to help clarify things. So, let’s get started!

What is Parameter?

  • A parameter is a variable in a mathematical function that determines the function’s output for a given input. In other words, it is an element of the function that can be changed in order to produce different results.
  • The most common type of parameter is the coefficient, which is a numeric value that multiplies the variable in the function. For example, in the quadratic equation y = ax^2 + bx + c, the parameters are a, b, and c.
  • The values of these parameters determine the shape of the graph of the equation. In general, the more parameters a function has, the more flexible it is. This flexibility can be useful in solving problems, but it can also make it difficult to find an optimal solution.

What is Perimeter?

Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a two-dimensional shape. It is measured in units such as centimeters or inches. To find the perimeter of a shape, you need to add up the length of each side. For example, the perimeter of a rectangle can be found by adding the length of all four sides. Perimeter is an important concept in geometry, and it has applications in many different fields, from architecture to landscaping. In short, perimeter is a measure of how long it would take to walk around the outside of a given shape.

Difference between Parameter and Perimeter

Parameter and Perimeter are two terms that are often used in geometry. Both of these terms are related to the study of shapes. Parameter is a term that is used to describe the size of a shape. It can also be used to describe the size of an angle.

  • Perimeter on the other hand is a term that used to describe the distance around the outside of a shape. In other words, it is the length of the boundary of a shape. Parameter is usually represented by a single letter such as ‘l’ or ‘w’ while perimeter is usually represented by the symbol P.
  • Parameter is measured in units such as centimeters or inches while perimeter is also measured in units such as centimeters or inches. The formula for perimeter is different for different shapes but the formula for parameter is always the same.
  • Parameter can be either positive or negative but perimeter can only be positive. That’s because parameter measures distance from the origin while perimeter measures distance around the outside of a shape.
  • So, when we talk about parameter, we talk about how far away something is from the center while when we talk about perimeter, we talk about how long the boundary of a shape is.
  • Parameter is always less than perimeter except in special cases such as when a shape has no dimension or when a shape has only one dimension such as a line segment.

In conclusion, parameter measures the size of a shape while perimeter measures the distance around the outside of a shape. Parameter can be negative but perimeter can only be positive and finally, parameter is always less than perimeter except in special cases!


Parameter and perimeter are two terms that are often confused. They have different meanings and applications, so it’s important to understand the difference. The parameter of a shape is its width, height, or length. The perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape. When you’re measuring something, you might use either term depending on which one will give you the desired result.

For example, if you’re trying to find out how much fencing you need to enclose a garden, you would use the perimeter measurement because it includes the length of each side of the fence. If you were asked to find the width of a river at its widest point, you would use the parameter measurement because it doesn’t include any non-rectangular features like curves in the riverbank. We hope this article has cleared up any confusion between these two terms and given you some ideas about when to use them!

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