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Difference between Order and Decree

Difference between Order and Decree

When most people think of the terms “order” and “decree,” they likely think of them as being one and the same. However, there is a distinct difference between these two legal terms. An order is a directive given by a court to parties in a case. A decree is an official judgment or ruling made by a court in a case. In other words, an order is something that parties are ordered to do, while a decree is the final ruling in a case. Knowing the difference between these two terms can be helpful when dealing with legal issues.

What is Order?

Order is a concept closely related to that of law and justice. In the legal realm, order refers to a set of rules or principles that govern behavior. When these rules are violated, it is said that there is disorder. In the court system, the order is enforced through the imposition of punishments on those who break the law. Order is thus essential to the proper functioning of society.

Without it, there would be chaos and anarchy. In a courtroom, the judge is responsible for maintaining order. He or she does this by making sure that the proceedings are conducted in an orderly fashion and that all participants follow the rules of procedure. The judge also has the power to impose sanctions on those who disrupt the proceedings. Order is thus essential to the administration of justice.

What is Decree?

The decree is a ruling by a court or other competent authority. Decrees are typically made in the interests of public order or welfare. Decrees may also be made in the interests of national security or morality. In some cases, decrees may be made in the interest of protecting the rights of individuals or groups.

  • Decrees are typically issued by governments or other authorities with the power to make such rulings. Decrees are often made in the form of laws or regulations. However, they may also be made through executive orders or other measures.
  • Decrees typically have the force of law and must be followed by those to whom they apply. The decree is also used to refer to a ruling by a court or other authority on a particular matter.
  • The decree is often used in relation to divorce, child custody, and other matters relating to family law. The decree is also used in relation to bankruptcy, probate, and other legal matters. The decree is also sometimes used to refer to an authoritative order or command. The decree is also sometimes used informally to refer to a decision or opinion.

Difference between Order and Decree

In the United States legal system, there is a distinction between an order and a decree. An order is a formal directive from a court that enjoins or compels someone to do something.

  • A decree, on the other hand, is a general edict issued by a sovereign power that has the force of law. In most cases, orders are issued by lower courts, and decrees are issued by higher courts. In some instances, however, orders may be issued by high-level officials such as the president or the attorney general.
  • The main difference between an order and a decree lies in their enforcement mechanism. Orders are typically enforced through contempt of court proceedings, while decrees are typically enforced through executive action or legislation.
  • Contempt of court proceedings is used to punish someone who has disobeyed an order from a court. Executive action or legislation can be used to enforce a decree if it is disobeyed.

While the terms are often used interchangeably, there is a distinction between an order and a decree. Orders are typically issued by lower courts and have enforcement mechanisms through contempt of court proceedings. Decrees are typically issued by higher courts and have enforcement mechanisms through executive action or legislation.


The difference between an order and a decree is important to understand because it can impact the outcome of your case. An order is less severe than a decree, and it typically doesn’t have the same lasting effects. If you’re looking for a way to get out of a legal situation, seeking an order may be your best bet. Keep in mind that orders can still be enforced by the court, so make sure to follow any instructions you receive.

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