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Difference between Naxalism and Maoism

Difference between Naxalism and Maoism

Maoism and Naxalism are two of the most commonly used terms when discussing Indian communist movements. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between the two. In this post, we’ll take a look at what those differences are, and explore why it’s important to understand them.

What is Naxalism?

Naxalism is a term used to describe the Maoist insurgency movement in India. The Naxalites are a group of left-wing radicals who are committed to overthrowing the Indian government through armed struggle. Naxalism first emerged in 1967, when a group of peasants in the state of West Bengal rebelled against the treatment they were receiving from their landlords. Since then, Naxalite activity has spread throughout rural areas of India, and the group has been responsible for numerous acts of violence and terrorism. Naxalites are considered one of the most serious threats to Indian security, and the government has been engaged in a long-running campaign to suppress their activities.

What is Maoism?

Maoism is a political philosophy that was developed by Mao Zedong, the former leader of the Communist Party of China. Maoism emphasizes the need for a strong revolutionary party that can lead the working class to overthrow the capitalist system. Maoism also stresses the importance of using rural areas as bases for revolution and of using guerrilla tactics to fight against the enemy. Maoism has been a significant force in Chinese politics since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, and it continues to have a significant impact in many countries around the world.

Difference between Naxalism and Maoism

Naxalism and Maoism are two ideologies that have been at the forefront of revolutionary thought in India and China respectively. Both Naxalism and Maoism seek to overthrow the existing order and establish a new socialist society. However, there are some key differences between these two ideologies. Naxalism emerged out of the Naxalbari uprising in 1967, which was a response to the growing exploitation of peasants by landlords. Maoism, on the other hand, emerged out of the Chinese Revolution of 1949, which was a response to the growing exploitation of workers by capitalists.

Naxalism is more focused on agrarian reform and often uses guerrilla tactics to wage its struggle, whereas Maoism is more focused on urban industrial development and uses conventional military tactics. While both Naxalism and Maoism share a common goal of overthrowing the existing order, they have different approaches based on their respective contexts.


The distinction between Naxalism and Maoism has been a source of confusion for many people. In this blog post, we have tried to clarify the differences between the two movements. We hope that this information will be helpful for those who are interested in learning more about these ideologies.

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