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Difference between Justice and Judge

Difference between Justice and Judge

In the criminal justice system, there is a clear distinction between a judge and a juror. A juror’s job is to listen to the evidence presented in a case and decide whether or not the defendant is guilty. A judge’s job is to weigh all of the evidence and make a decision about what sentence to give the defendant if they are found guilty. Judges also preside over court proceedings, whereas jurors are randomly selected from the population. So, what separates these two positions? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Justice?

Justice is often thought of as fairness. That is, giving people what they deserve. It is related to the idea of rights. We think people have a right to be treated fairly and justly. Justice usually requires that people be given what is fair under particular circumstances. But what is fair can be difficult to determine. There are different ways of thinking about what justice is and how to achieve it. Some belief in stoic Justice, which means that everyone gets what they deserve, no more and no less. Others believe in restorative Justice, which focuses on repairing the harm caused by an offense. And there are still others who believe in distributive Justice, which seeks to distribute goods and resources in a way that is fair and equitable. No matter which definition of Justice you subscribe to, it is likely that you believe that everyone has a right to Justice. And that is a good thing.

What is Judge?

Judge is a role in some team-based card games where players must cooperate to win. The Judge is responsible for interpreting the rules and making sure that all players are following them. They also keep track of what cards have been played and make sure that everyone is playing fair. Judges is an important role in these games because they help to keep the game running smoothly and prevent arguments between players. In some games, the Judge may also have special powers or abilities that can be used to help their team win. Whether they are keeping the game running smoothly or using their special powers to win, the Judge is an essential part of these team-based card games.

Difference between Justice and Judge

Justice and Judge are two words that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have very different meanings. Justice refers to the ideal of fairness and equality. Everyone is entitled to justice, and it is society’s responsibility to ensure that everyone receives it. Judge, on the other hand, refers to a person who presides over a legal case. Judges are responsible for ensuring that the law is followed and that the rights of all parties are respected. In order to be a judge, one must have extensive training in the law. Justice and Judge are critical concepts in our society, but they serve different purposes. Justice is something that we all deserve, while Judges are responsible for upholding the law.


The difference between justice and a judge is an important distinction to make. Justice is blind, meaning that it doesn’t take into account things like race, class or creed when meting out punishment. A judge, on the other hand, is not blind and often takes all of these factors into account when making decisions. This is why it’s so important to have a fair and just society — because if we let judges be the only arbiters of justice, then the scales would be tipped in favor of those who are already privileged. We must work together to create a society where justice is blind and everyone has an opportunity to succeed.

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