Difference between Morbidity and Mortality | Morbidity vs Mortality

Difference between Morbidity and Mortality | Morbidity vs Mortality

Morbidity vs Mortality

Difference between morbidity and mortality: – When it comes to our health and well-being there are many concepts that we need to know, because when we talk about these subjects it is common that we use them and if we do not know very well what it describes each one, possibly we will use them incorrectly and we will not be Capable of expressing our ideas with sufficient clarity.

Difference between morbidity and mortality

In this sense, today we have decided to clarify to you the difference that exists between two concepts very used in the field of medicine and in all conversation related to the health and the illnesses. Here’s what the Difference between morbidity and mortality.

In this case, the word morbidity refers to the unhealthy state of an individual. It has to do with the presence of diseases and different conditions that can ruin our health. If we want to know the morbidity rate of an area, what is calculated is the incidence of diseases in that population or geographic location during a year. The data collected are organized according to gender, area, age and type of disease.

It is important to remember that the term morbidity can apply to a single individual or an entire group, and there is also something called co-morbidity; which refers to the presence of two or more diseases that affect the same time.

The morbidity rate will also depend on the disease in question, since some diseases are highly contagious, while others are not. Also, some diseases or problems are most likely to occur in certain demographic groups that have particular characteristics that distinguish them from others.

On the other hand, mortality is worse than morbidity in the sense that it refers to the state or very fact of being mortal (being able to die). In this sense, the death rate is nothing more than the number of deaths within a population.

All humans are mortal (so far we cannot avoid death), hence the importance of knowing more about the mortality rate of each zone; Because that information gives us further information about changes that could occur to prevent loss of life.

The death rate takes into account the total deaths in one year, per 1,000 individuals. The mortality rate is the opposite of the birth rate; however, almost always both are related and compared in the research.

Finally, there are many types of mortality rates, for example there is the infant mortality rate, the maternal mortality rate, the mortality rate by gender … but they are all used to understand more accurately everything about global well-being and health.

Key differences between morbidity and mortality

  • Morbidity has to do with diseases that affect an individual or population, while mortality refers to the number of deaths that occur in a population over a period of time.

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