Difference between Hearing and Listening

Difference between Hearing and Listening

Hearing vs. Listening

Difference between Hearing and Listening: – Hearing and listening, although they are often considered as synonyms; certainly refer to different things Can you hear a person but not listen? Did it ever happen to you that when you were in class you heard what the teacher was saying but you did not hear anything she said?

Difference between Hearing and Listening

Hearing is one of the five senses and has to do with the ability to perceive sounds by detecting vibrations through that organ that we know as hearing.

In an audience, the vibrations are detected by the ears of the listeners and then they become nervous impulses that are sent to the brain. A person who does not have the ability to hear has a condition known as deafness. Hearing occurs even when we are sleeping, as the ear continues to perceive the sounds and transmitting them to the brain.

Listening, also known as “active listening”; is a technique that is used in communication and requires that a person not only hear, but pay attention to the speaker and can make a feedback of the information processed.

Listening requires concentration, deriving meanings and reactions from the sounds that are heard. In the process of communication, if the person does not listen; the communication could be interrupted.

There are four types of communicators, the “do not listen”, which is a person who only cares about his own thoughts and even if he is hearing; does not pay attention. The “passive listener” is the one who listens to words, but does not absorb their meaning and only offers vague answers. The “listener” listens and listens but only those conversations that really interest you; this is very common when in the middle of a conversation the person does not want to hear what someone who has a point of view different from yours has to say. Finally, there is “active listening”, this is the best type of listener; not only because he hears the person speaking, but also because he listens with patience and open-mindedness. He is always focused on what the speaker says.

It is said that a good listener becomes a better communicator when he understands the value of words and emotions, he takes into account the importance of clarity of words; to eliminate the possibility of misunderstandings and misinterpretation of ideas and words, in addition, picks up the emotions that are connected with words.

So the main difference between hearing and hearing is that when you hear it, it simply refers to the pickup of sounds that is made by the ear; while when listening is understood and interpreting the message that comes in the way of sounds. Listening is also used in the sense of being receptive to other people’s body language. Anyhow the key difference between hearing and listening is:

Hearing is one of the five senses and consists of the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations, through the ear. Listening is also known as “active listening” and is a communicative technique in which the person is required to pay attention and understand what the speaker says. Listening is a step beyond hearing, since after the brain receives the nerve impulses and deciphers them; then proceeds to feedback.

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