Difference between Emotion and Feeling | Emotion vs. Feeling

Difference between Emotion and Feeling | Emotion vs. Feeling

Emotion vs. Feeling

What is Difference between Emotion and Feeling:- Emotions and feelings are often confused by many people, because these concepts share certain similarities; even in some cases these words are used interchangeably to refer to the same. For example, a person might say that he has a feeling of happiness; but at the same time refer to happiness as an emotion.

Difference between Emotion and Feeling

In order to clarify some doubts, we will explain the difference between emotion and feeling.

Feelings are the result of emotions. The word sentiment comes from the verb “to feel” and refers to an effective mood, usually of long duration, that appears in the subject as a product of the emotions that makes him experience something or someone. The word feeling was originally used to refer to all sensory and subjective experiences, however, currently in the field of psychology is used to designate subjective experiences that are part of individuals and are the fruit of emotions.

The development of empathy is what allows people to be able to understand the feelings of others. Feelings may be short-term or long-term, but they are usually maintained for long periods of time. For example, feelings of love in some cases usually last a long time. Other examples of feelings include jealousy and pain or suffering.

Emotions are psycho-physiological, biological, and mental state expressions. It is a generic term to refer to the adaptation by the individuals, to stimuli provoked by people, animals, and things. Emotion is associated with temperament, personality, and motivation. Emotional states are caused by the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, which then convert these emotions into feelings.

The most important neurotransmitters are: dopamine, serotonin, noradrenalin, cortical and oxytocin. It can be said that emotions come especially from the way our body and brain work. The brain is responsible for turning the hormones and neurotransmitters into feelings. Generally, emotions are considered to be of shorter duration than feelings and are believed to be the ones that drive and motivate people to act. They are more intense than the feelings, but they last less than these.

It speaks of emotions that are basic, because according to some studies; all human beings experience them. These are:

  • The surprise or astonishment
  • Disgust
  • The sadness
  • The wrath
  • The fear
  • The joy / happiness

When emotions are constantly repressed, they can lead to an emotional crisis.

Key Differences between Feeling and Emotion

  • Feelings are more enduring than emotions, but emotions are more intense than feelings.
  • Feelings are the result of emotions.
  • Emotions are psycho-physiological reactions to various stimuli, while feelings are conscious evaluations of our emotions.

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