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Difference between Headache and Migraine | Headache vs Migraine

Difference between Headache and Migraine | Headache vs Migraine

Headache vs Migraine

Difference between headache and migraine:- What is Difference between headache and migraine? Headache and migraine are two of the conditions that people most often confuse, so much so that it is likely that more than one person will be surprised to discover with this post that despite what all life has believed; No, they are not the same.

Difference between headache and migraine

Although both conditions affect the head because pain is experienced in that region, the truth is that the intensity of that pain and the causes of the one or the other condition are different; therefore, it is convenient to keep in mind that migraine and headache are distinct problems.

If you have doubts about what is the difference between headache and migraine or just looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, then continue reading, because below we explain everything you need to know Around this topic.


This usually refers to the onset or sensation of pain in the region of the head or neck. More than a serious problem in itself, it is a symptom of something else; although in most cases it is only a symptom of some slight condition in the areas mentioned above. Medically, a headache alone is considered a “nonspecific symptom”, which in essence means that it can have several causes.

Headache is also known as headache and there are many types of headache. In fact, there are over 200 types of headaches classified. They can be caused by very different reasons and, although most do not represent any serious problem, there are some that can endanger life.

Although there are those who believe that it is the brain that hurts when you experience headache, the reality is not. The brain cannot feel pain because it has no receptors to feel it. The headache affects one or more of the nine areas of the neck or head that may feel pain. Those areas are the skull, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, subcutaneous tissues, eyes, ears, mucous membrane and par nasal sinuses.


On the other hand, a migraine is classified as a type of headache; however, it is a chronic neurological disorder resulting from the fact of experiencing frequent headaches. It could also be due to hormonal imbalances or environmental problems.

Migraines can be of a moderate or very severe nature. The pain can become so strong that at some point the person loses consciousness.

Finally, often in the case of migraines the pain occurs on one side of the head and is usually pricking. Women are two to three times more likely to have them. Other symptoms of migraine are: nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light and sounds, among others. A migraine can last between two hours and three days.

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