Difference between Empiricism and Skepticism | Empiricism vs. Skepticism

Difference between Empiricism and Skepticism | Empiricism vs. Skepticism

Empiricism vs. Skepticism

Difference between Empiricism and Skepticism: – Both Empiricism and Skepticism are concepts that have to do with belief. They call two different philosophical currents that focus on the search for “truth”; however, they differ in the way in which they look and manage the information or knowledge presented to the methods that each one offers.

Although there are certain similarities between Skepticism and Empiricism, it is equally important to take into account the importance of knowing the difference between one and the other.

What is Difference between Empiricism and Skepticism

If you have doubts about it or just go for some more information, continue reading, because then we explain to you the difference between Empiricism and Skepticism.

This is a philosophical concept that derives from the Greek word “empeiria”, which could be translated as “experience” and is related to the word “experiment”; therefore, Empiricism refers to the idea that knowledge comes only or primarily from the sensory experience that is gathered through the work and use of the five senses.

According to Empiricism, all knowledge derives from what we can observe and experience in the world around us. If we cannot see, observe, experience or prove it; then it does not exist.

Given the method of approaching the truth offered by this philosophical current (in which it is necessary to prove the facts), it is not surprising that Empiricism is associated with science and research; with this as a result of establishing what is known as the Scientific Method.

On the other hand, the term “skepticism” has become very common in everyday speech, almost always employed in relation to someone who doubts much about the truthfulness or authenticity of things; however, in the context of Philosophy, this concept has another definition.

Skepticism comes from the classic Greek verb “skeptomai” which means “to search”, and has an implication that what is sought is not found.

Finally, there are people who claim that skepticism, at least in its original context, has nothing to do with doubt, lack of belief or negativity; but rather with a search for truth. It is seen as the process of finding a well-founded conclusion, not a justification for a preconceived conclusion.

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