Difference between Therapist and Psychiatrist | Therapist vs. Psychiatrist

Difference between Therapist and Psychiatrist | Therapist vs. Psychiatrist

Therapist vs. Psychiatrist

Difference between Therapist and Psychiatrist: – Accepting the fact that help is needed is a very important and at the same time very difficult step in the process of recovery or improvement of some aspects of life. Obtaining such aid should not be difficult; however, that is not always the case. Here this post is all about the difference between therapist and psychiatrist

There are many factors that affect the availability of the necessary help at the right time, such as cost, access to medical centers, whether or not you have health insurance, the stigma associated with it, and many other things. If it is possible to move forward despite the obstacles mentioned above, then there is another challenge to face. Who do you turn to for help? Should you go to a psychologist, therapist, psychiatrist, counselor or someone else?

What is Difference between Therapist and Psychiatrist

Perhaps knowing some definitions and characteristics of these professionals will allow you to better discern which one would be best suited to address your problem.

On this occasion we explain to you what the difference is between psychiatrist and therapist, if you have doubts about it or you are simply looking for a little more information that complements what you already know; continue reading, since below we tell you everything you need to know about this topic.

This is a very broad concept that covers different fields of study, some not necessarily related to mental health. There are many types of therapists, but when you are in the context of psychology the official term would be a psychotherapist.

A psychotherapist is someone with a degree who qualifies him to provide psychotherapy; therefore, this word could be used to refer to psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. Also, a psychotherapist could conduct psychotherapy with individuals, groups, couples or families; however, to do such a thing, you need a certification for each case.

Some of the most common types of therapists are:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapist.
  • Psychoanalyst.
  • Psychodynamic therapist.
  • Family Therapist.
  • Humanist and integrative psychotherapist.
  • Experimental and constructivist psychotherapist.


On the other hand, a psychiatrist is a doctor who needs to have a medical degree to be considered as such. This professional is qualified to do something that the psychotherapist or psychologist cannot: medicate patients. Finally, unlike the psychotherapist, the services offered by psychiatrists can go beyond psychotherapy. They can indicate medical studies and diagnose conditions that therapists are not legally qualified to diagnose. Psychiatrists can help manage and prevent disorders and other mental conditions.

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