Difference between Electric and Magnetic Fields

Difference between Electric and Magnetic Fields

Electric and magnetic fields are both important in science, technology, and engineering. But what is the difference between them? In this post, we will discuss the definitions of electric and magnetic fields, and we will explore some of their unique properties. We will also consider some real-world examples where these fields are used. Stay tuned!

What is Magnetic Field?

Magnetic fields are created by moving electrically charged particles. The Earth has a magnetic field because it has a molten core of iron and nickel that generates electric currents. When these currents interact with the planet’s rotation, they create a magnetic field. This field extends from the planet’s interior out into space, where it meets the solar wind, a stream of charged particles from the Sun. Magnetic fields can also be created by man-made objects, such as electrical power lines and magnets. The strength of a magnetic field is measured in gauss or tesla. The Earth’s magnetic field has a strength of about 0.5 gauss or 50 microteslas.

What is Electric Field?

The electric field is a vector field that associates to each point in space the Electric force that would be exerted on an Electric charge if it were placed at that point. Electric fields are created by Electric charges, or by time-varying magnetic fields. Electric fields obey the properties of superposition and can be defined as electrostatic repulsion or attraction between charges. The Electric field is perpendicular to the direction of the Electric force for point charges. If you put a test charge in an Electric field, the Electric force on the test charge will be given by qE, where q is the charge of the test particle and E is the Electric field vector. The SI unit for Electric fields is volts per meter (V/m). Electric fields are produced by stationary charges, moving charges (currents), or time-varying magnetic fields.

Difference between Electric and Magnetic Fields

Electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, often referred to as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. EMFs are present both indoors and outdoors, but depending on their source, they can vary substantially in strength. Electric fields are produced by electrically charged particles and are affected by the voltage of the power source. The higher the voltage, the stronger the Electric field. Magnetic fields are produced by moving electrically charged particles and are affected by both the voltage of the power source and the speed at which electrons flow through a conductor. Electric and magnetic fields are physical forces that exist independently of each other; however, they are often closely related. For example, a current flowing through a wire will create both an Electric and a Magnetic field. Electric fields can induce currents in conductors; however, Magnetic fields cannot induce Electric fields. Instead, Electric fields can only be generated by a changing Magnetic field. EMFs can cause adverse health effects, but this is still being studied. More research is needed to determine what levels may be harmful to human health.


Electric fields are created by a difference in voltage between two points. Magnetic fields, on the other hand, are created by electric current. In order to create a magnetic field, you need both an electric current and a conductor. You can see the effects of magnetic fields around power lines and transformers. Have you ever seen those metal cages around transformers? They’re there to protect people from the strong magnetic fields that are created by all that electricity flowing through the transformer.

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