Difference between Earth and Sun

Difference between Earth and Sun

Earth vs. Sun

What is difference between earth and sun? The universe is full of planets, stars and many other types of celestial bodies; it even has several aspects that until now are a mystery for us. In the midst of all that observable and unknown, we are the human beings that inhabit the planet Earth that belongs to the solar system; system that as you can imagine its name owes that star so important to us: the Sun.

Although very few people would confuse the Sun with Earth, not everyone would be able to explain what really marks the difference between the two bodies, beyond their appearance.

Difference between Earth and Sun

So if you have doubts about what the difference is between Earth and Sun or just looking for a little more information to complement what you already know, continue reading, because below we explain everything that you need to know about this interesting topic.


The Earth is the densest body of the solar system. The same rotates about its axis from west to east and revolves around the Sun. Every 24 hours, this planet completes a rotation on its axis, but it takes 365 days to give a complete return to the Sun; period of time we defined as a year.

It is the third planet closest to the Sun and the fifth largest in the solar system. The light of its star reaches different parts of the planet, causing the different changes of the time and climate in certain places.

Basically, the Earth is a piece of solid rock heavily covered in water. In it, people, as well as other living beings; inhabit and develop.


On the other hand, contrary to the Earth, the Sun is not a planet; but a star. It is the center of the solar system, which consists of eight planets revolving around this star.

The Sun is like a huge fireball filled with gas and is responsible for life on this planet. It is also hundreds of times larger than Earth in diameter. Finally, even if it is far away, the Sun is necessarily close so that its rays give us heat and illumination without getting to burn us. In the same way, these rays arrive at the moon – our satellite – that reflects its light, thus allowing our nights are also to some extent illuminated. The Sun differs from the Earth in volume, size, diameter and weight.

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