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Difference between Dominant Gene and Recessive Gene

Difference between Dominant Gene and Recessive Gene

In humans, there are two different types of genes: dominant and recessive. Dominant genes are expressed when only one copy is inherited, while recessive genes are not expressed unless both copies of the gene are inherited. This difference can have a significant impact on an individual’s health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference between dominant and recessive genes in more detail. We’ll also look at some examples of how these genes can affect human health. By understanding the differences between dominant and recessive genes, we can better understand how our DNA affects our lives.

What is Dominant Gene?

A dominant gene is a gene that is expressed in the phenotype of an organism. Dominant genes are typically inherited from one parent, and the trait they confer is usually seen in the offspring. Dominant genes can be passed down from generation to generation, and they can also arise spontaneously in a population. Dominant genes are often involved in important traits, such as hair color or eye color. However, some dominant genes can also cause disease. For example, the breast cancer gene BRCA1 is a dominant gene that predisposes carriers to develop cancer. Dominant genes are an important part of genetics and help to shape the appearance and health of an organism.

What is a Recessive Gene?

A recessive gene is a gene that is only expressed when it is present on both alleles. For example, if an individual has one allele for blue eyes and one allele for brown eyes, the blue eye allele will be expressed. However, if both alleles are for blue eyes, then the blue eye phenotype will be expressed. Recessive genes are often hidden in a population because they are only expressed when they are homozygous. However, they can be passed on to future generations and may eventually be expressed if the right circumstances arise.

Difference between Dominant Gene and Recessive Gene

Dominant genes are those that have the strongest influence on a trait. For example, if a parent has blue eyes and the other parent has brown eyes, their child is more likely to have blue eyes. This is because the allele for blue eyes is dominant over the allele for brown eyes.

  • Dominant genes are usually denoted with a capital letter (B). Recessive genes are those that have a weaker influence on a trait. For example, if both parents have blue eyes, their child is more likely to have blue eyes.
  • However, if one parent has blue eyes and the other parent has brown eyes, their child is more likely to have brown eyes. This is because the allele for brown eyes is recessive to the allele for blue eyes.
  • Recessive genes are usually denoted with a lowercase letter (b). Dominant and recessive genes can be represented using a Punnett square. In this type of diagram, each parent contributes one gene (represented by a letter) to their offspring.
  • The possible combinations of alleles are then shown in the squares. For example, if both parents have blue eyes (BB), all of their children will also have blue eyes (see figure 1). However, if one parent has blue eyes and the other has brown eyes (Bb), their children could have either blue or brown eyes (see figure 2).
  • These two diagrams show how dominant and recessive genes are inherited. Dominant genes are always expressed in the phenotype, while recessive genes are only expressed when they are homozygous (two copies).

Heterozygous individuals (one copy of each gene) express the dominant gene. Dominant and recessive genes can be helpful in predicting the phenotype of an individual’s offspring. However, it is important to remember that there are many other factors that can influence phenotypes, such as environmental changes or mutations. As a result, genetics is a complex field of study and there is still much to learn about how these factors interact with each other.


Dominant and recessive genes are important to understand when it comes to breeding animals or plants. In the case of animals, knowing whether a dominant gene is present can help breeders create offspring that have the best chance of being healthy. In plants, dominant and recessive genes play a role in how a plant looks and grows. By understanding these genetic concepts, we can create new and improved varieties of plants and animals for the benefit of all.

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