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Difference between Div and Span

Difference between Div and Span

CSS gives us the ability to control how our content looks on a web page by using properties and values. One of the most commonly used properties is called “div.” Div stands for division, and it’s used to create divisions (or boxes) on a web page. We can use divs to contain all of our content on a page, or we can use them as part of more complex CSS layouts. Another common property is “span,” which stands for spanner (a tool used for tightening bolts). Span is used to apply formatting to specific parts of the text, such as headings or links. In this post, we’ll take a look at the difference between div and span, and we’ll see how each one can be useful in creating beautiful and responsive websites.

What is Div?

The Div is an HTML element that is a generic container for other elements. It has no effect on the content or layout of the page. Div is often used to group elements together so they can be styled with CSS. For example, you could use Div to create a Two-Column Layout. Div is also used to create sticky footers. Sticky footers are always at the bottom of the page, even if there is not enough content to fill the whole page. Div is a block-level element, which means it takes up its own line and cannot be placed next to other elements on the same line. The Div element also has a closing tag, which is required in order to correctly nest other elements inside Div.

What is Span?

Span is a generic container for inline content in an HTML document. Span elements are often used to apply styles such as color, font style, and font weight to specific parts of the text, without affecting the rest of the document. Span can also be used to give a semantic meaning to a part of the text, for example, to mark a particular word as being important. The Span element does not introduce any new content or affect the position of surrounding content, making it very versatile. When used correctly, Span can be a powerful tool for adding meaning and style to HTML documents.

Difference between Div and Span

Div and span are both HTML elements that are used to group other elements together. Div is a block-level element, which means that it takes up a whole line on its own. Span is an inline element, which means that it can be used within other elements. Div is generally used to group together larger sections of content, while span is often used for smaller pieces of text, such as words or phrases. Divs can contain other block-level elements, such as paragraphs, while spans can only contain inline elements. Divs must be closed with a closing tag, while spans do not require a closing tag. For more information about Div and Span visit W3schools.com.


Span tags are used to group elements that should be treated as a single unit for styling or scripting purposes, while div tags are used to create divisions between different parts of the HTML document. In most cases, you will want to use span tags rather than div tags, as they take up less code and can be more efficiently styled.

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