Difference between Definition and Meaning

Difference between Definition and Meaning

Definition vs. Meaning

Difference between Definition and Meaning :- When we speak of words it is common to also speak of definitions and meanings of the same, but although many people believe that definition and meaning refer to the same, i.e. are synonymous; the truth is that there are differences between one and the other.

Difference between Definition and Meaning

Today we are going to teach you the difference between meaning and definition.

Defining consists in distinguishing and delimiting a term to differentiate it from another. Definition is the formal statement of the meaning or meaning of a word, phrase, and language … as found in dictionaries.

Dictionary definitions are intended to give a general idea about a term or concept. They do not seek to give a “universal meaning” to words, since that is something subjective that corresponds to each individual. The definition of the terms, points out the critical and analytical aspects of the words.

Meaning is what can be inferred from a word. It is something that is assigned individually to the terms, A mental value that we give to things. A word can have a single definition, however, having hundreds of meanings; since the latter depend on each other.

In the construction of meanings, both the sender and receiver play a very important role; since one thing is what one person wants to say and another what the receiver understands.

For example, the word “ok” has its definition; but used in a sentence can mean many things or simply mean nothing. It can be used to imply that a message has been captured, also to end a useless discussion, as well as a way of indicating that everything is fine …

On the other hand, the meaning of a word in slang and general usage, may differ greatly from its definition in dictionaries. Some definitions of terms may be outdated when used in the current context.

For example, the terms “nerd” and “geek” are defined as words that are used with a pejorative or derogatory meaning; however, it is now common for friends to say so among themselves. In fact, sometimes it is even proudly said that he is a “nerd” or a “geek”; therefore, the meaning of these words has changed.

Key differences between Definition and Meaning

  • Definition is a critical delimitation that is made to differentiate one term from another, while meaning is a subjective value that we mentally give terms or words.
  • A word can have many meanings, but the definitions of them are usually limited.
  • The meaning has to do with the emotional, while the definition is related to the analytic and structural.
  • The definition is rigid and inflexible, while the meaning is characterized by its flexibility.

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