Cyclones vs. Hurricanes
What is difference between Cyclones and Hurricanes? Often, we find the terms cyclone and hurricane and assume they are the same thing. In fact, cyclones and hurricanes are terms that represent two different things. A cyclone is a strong wind, normally violent in nature that rotates clockwise, in a nearby area. Below this post is all about the difference between Cyclones and Hurricanes.
Difference Between Cyclones and Hurricanes
Cyclones originate in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. Hurricanes are also strong winds, but these originate in the northern hemisphere and rotate in the opposite direction to the clock hands.
A hurricane is often called “Tropical Cyclone” because it is a tropical low pressure system. The main difference in the forces of the winds between both is that during a cyclone, a house can be flown altogether, while with a hurricane, the house can be flown in pieces. A hurricane is often accompanied by heavy rains and cyclones are accompanied by stormy and destructive climates. The intensity of the winds depends on the rainfall and the climate that accompany it, but a hurricane is considered stronger than a cyclone due to the destruction caused. Hurricanes have a wind speed of more than 74 miles per hour. The calm zone on which these winds blow is known as, the eye of the hurricane
Other important differences between a cyclone and a hurricane are that a cyclone originates in the earth, while a hurricane originates in the sea. Hurricanes, as they originate in the seas, form from water and cause heavy rains. These rains cause floods and the strong wind destroys everything on the road. A cyclone moves in a circular direction, taking everything along the path with it. It is very violent and can uproot large trees as such. Cyclones mainly originate in the South Pacific region, while hurricanes originate in the Atlantic region. The frequency of cyclones per year is more than that of hurricanes.
When a hurricane approaches a place, the sky darkens and the wind blows strong. A hurricane can be active for more than two weeks in open water and as it approaches land it brings torrential rains and violent winds. Sometimes floods occur days after the hurricane hit land.
If the area where you live is hit by a hurricane or cyclone, you can follow some precautions such as staying away from power lines, trees and huge buildings. If you are in a public building, stay away from windows and if you are at home keep your windows and doors closed and if you are outside, try to get under some stairs or some highway bridge.
- Hurricanes have strong winds that affect large areas of land and rotate in circular directions.
- The cyclones spiral around as they move forward, taking almost everything in their path.
- Hurricanes are always accompanied by violent winds and rains, but cyclones may not bring that fierce climate along with them.