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Difference between Culture and Tradition | Culture vs. Tradition

Difference between Culture and Tradition | Culture vs. Tradition

Cultural vs. Tradition

Differences between culture and tradition: – A lot of people around us consider both the terms culture and tradition same, but it’s not true. Though somehow both looks like same, but there are little bit difference between culture and tradition. Before moving towards the difference, let’s discuss both the terms culture and tradition first.

Difference between Culture and Tradition

The terms culture and traditions have become quite commonly used terms and have virtually identical meanings, so it makes sense if one thinks that they refer to the same thing. These are generalized terms that tend to be used interchangeably, but still, however, there are many differences between both the terms.

1.    Word origin

The foundation of the term “Tradition” originates from Latin roots. It really is derived from the word “Traderere” or “Tradere”, which means to transfer or give for safekeeping. Whereas, the term “Culture” has Roman origins and dates back again to Cicero and is composed of the words “Culture Animi.” At that time, it was an agricultural metaphor to make reference to the introduction of a philosophical heart. Inside the 17th hundred years, German philosopher Samuel Pufendorf used the metaphor in the modern context, for the reason that he presumed it “identifies all the ways with the help of which human beings got over their original barbarism, and by the time, become totally human”.

2.    Tradition

The first key difference between a culture and a tradition is how they are generally defined. Traditions are generally used to identify an idea or a habit. A deeper classification would determine it to be the values instituted by societies and governments, such as nationwide anthems and nationwide holidays; values or customs retained by spiritual denominations and cathedral bodies that show history, traditions, culture and, somewhat, the body of teachings.

3.    Culture

Culture, on the other palm, is a custom that is passed down from generations to generations and stands the test of time. It is a term that is not merely limited to values and actions, though they are really included. In addition, it includes knowledge, skill, morals, law, traditions, and every other features and pattern bought by man as an associate of society. A far more modern meaning would be, “Culture is thought as a social site that stresses the tactics, discourses, and materials expressions, which, as time passes, share the continuities and discontinuities of the cultural meaning of a nation’s life.

4.    Capability to Change

As, one can understand from the definitions that culture is a lot broader term than tradition, as in fact, it includes tradition and many other things. So, in other words, traditions can be considered an integral part of a culture. Culture and traditions are also different in their potential to change. Practices typically stay the same over many decades. There could be subtle differences, but the substance of the custom is normally unchanged. Even though they can develop over time, but this commonly occurs at an extremely slow rate.

The Cambridge British Dictionary defines culture to be “just how of life, generally speaking, customs and values, of a specific group of folks at a specific time.” Because of this trait, it’s very fluid and powerful. Civilizations typically experience a great deal of change as time passes, some of the changes happen quickly as well as others slowly.

There are 29 different, determined ways that ethnic change can be induced, including things such as innovation, progress, modernization, industry, knowledge, and revolution. It is also a fact that currently, humanity is witnessing a period in which cultural changes are occurring at an extremely fast pace. In other words, all civilizations are evolving and changing quicker than previously. There are several factors adding to this, like the growth of international trade and business, media, and huge population growth within the last few generations. There are many attempts to preserve components of civilizations that are facing extinction.

Finally, if we summarize the difference between culture and tradition in one sentence, then I would say culture means the day to day matters of society and tradition means the principles which is allows them to spend life while meeting these day to day life matters.

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