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Difference Between ASA and AAS

Difference Between ASA and AAS

Confused by the differences between ASA (Angle, Side, Angle) and AAS (Angle, Angle, Side)? Well, it’s actually a lot simpler than you would think. These two acronyms are often confused and used interchangeably in math education, but there is an important distinction to note about them. Both notations involve measuring the angles of a triangle; however, the order of measurements plays a major role when determining different properties about that triangle – such as if it is congruent or whether certain sides can be considered equal lengths. Keep reading to get all your questions answered and find out exactly how these concepts work!

What is ASA?

ASA is a trigonometric formula used to determine whether or not three sides and corresponding angles of a triangle form a valid triangle. ASA stands for Angle-Side-Angle, which indicates the order that the information must be provided in order to use this formula. ASA can be a useful tool in many geometry problems involving triangles, as it determines whether an unknown angle can be calculated. ASA is also referred to as ASA Congruence, reflecting its mathematical responsibility of proving if two triangles are congruent. Knowing how to use ASA properly can help students understand and succeed in their geometry class.

What is AAS?

AAS is an abbreviation for Angle, Angle, Side. AAS stands for a theorem that is used to determine if two triangles have the same size and shape. AAS involves comparing the angles of two triangles and then noting the length of one side from each triangle. When AAS applies, all three values are the same in both triangles – these would be the three angles and one side. AAS is used in mathematics to prove the similarity between two triangles, which can be leveraged to more easily compute properties such as perimeter, height, and area of either triangle. AAS is a fundamental concept used in geometry courses around the globe.

Difference Between ASA and AAS

ASA and AAS are two commonly used methods of figuring out the measure of an angle, or the length of a side, in a triangle.

  • ASA stands for “angle side angle”, while AAS stands for “angle angle side”.
  • Each method contains information regarding three different parts of the triangle; ASA provides the measures of one angle and two sides, while AAS provides the measures of two angles and one side.
  • Through ASA or AAS methods it is possible to determine if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, scalene or right-angled; it also allows us to calculate its perimeter and area.

ASA and AAS are powerful tools when needing to solve any kind of triangle problem.


Angle, Side, Angle and Angle, Angle, Side are two terms that are often confused. While they both involve angles, the main difference is that ASA deals with two parallel sides and AAS does not. Keep these definitions in mind when you encounter these terms in the future so that you can use them correctly!

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