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Difference between Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxide

Difference between Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxide

Did you know that there is a difference between ammonia and ammonium hydroxide? Although they may both seem like similar chemicals, they have different properties and uses. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between ammonia and ammonium hydroxide, as well as their respective applications. Stay tuned to learn more!

What is Ammonia?

Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong, sharp odor. Ammonia is very soluble in water and forms corrosive ammonium hydroxide solutions. Ammonia is an important commercial product with many uses. Ammonia is used as a refrigerant, a cleaning agent, and as a fertilizer. Ammonia is also used in the manufacture of textiles, plastics, dyes, and other chemicals. Ammonia occurs naturally in the environment and is produced by many activities including the decomposition of organic matter and livestock waste.

Ammonia can be released into the air by agricultural activities, manufacturing processes, and automobile exhaust. Ammonia is a non-flammable gas but can be explosive in the presence of certain compounds at high concentrations and under high temperatures. Ammonia is toxic to humans and animals at high concentrations and can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Ammonia can also have negative effects on aquatic life at high concentrations. Ammonia should be handled with care to avoid exposure to potential health hazards.

What is Ammonium Hydroxide?

Ammonium hydroxide is a compound of ammonia and water. It is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. Ammonium hydroxide is produced industrially by the direct reaction of ammonia and water. It is also used as a household cleaner and as a drain cleaner. Ammonium hydroxide is corrosive and can cause burns. ingestion can be fatal. Ammonium hydroxide is used in many industries, including oil refining, gas processing, papermaking, textile manufacturing, and food processing. It is also used in the manufacture of fertilizers, explosives, and pharmaceuticals. Ammonium hydroxide is a strong base and reacts with acids to produce salt and water. It also reacts with metals to form Ammonia Gas. Ammonium hydroxide is corrosive to skin and eyes and should be handled with care.

Difference between Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxide

Ammonia is a gas with the formula NH3. Ammonium hydroxide is a solution of ammonia in water. Ammonia is a base, and ammonium hydroxide is its salt. Ammonia is made of one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms, while ammonium hydroxide is made of one nitrogen atom, three hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom. Ammonia has a strong smell, while ammonium hydroxide has a weaker smell.

Ammonia is corrosive, while ammonium hydroxide is less corrosive. Ammonia is used in industry as a refrigerant and as a raw material for the manufacture of fertilizers, explosives, and dyes. Ammonium hydroxide is used in cleaning products because it dissolves dirt and grease. It is also used in photographic film development because it stops the action of the developer chemicals.


Ammonia and ammonium hydroxide are two very different compounds. Ammonia is a gas while ammonium hydroxide is a liquid. They also have different chemical compositions. Ammonia contains nitrogen and hydrogen, while ammonium hydroxide contains nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. Finally, ammonia is toxic to humans, while ammonium hydroxide is not. Hopefully, this article has cleared up any confusion about the difference between these two substances.

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