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Difference between Amber and Lager

Difference between Amber and Lager

What is the difference between amber and lager? This is a question that many people have but might not know how to answer. Amber and lager are both types of beer, but they have different brewing methods and create different flavors. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between amber and lager beers so you can better understand each type. We will also discuss the history of these beers and why they are popular among beer lovers. Cheers!

What is Amber?

Amber beer is a type of beer that is brewed using Amber malt. Amber malt is made from kilned barley that has been roasted at a low temperature. This gives Amber malt a slightly sweet and nutty flavor, which is often reflected in the taste of Amber beer.

In addition to Amber malt, most Amber beers also contain small amounts of dark-roasted malt, which gives the beer its characteristic amber color. Amber beers are typically medium-bodied and have moderate levels of bitterness. They are often considered to be a balance between light and dark beers, and they can be paired with a variety of food items.

What is Lager?

Lager is a type of beer that is brewed using bottom-fermenting yeast. Unlike other types of beer, which are fermented at warmer temperatures, lager is fermented at cooler temperatures, typically between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This chilling process allows the yeast to sink to the bottom of the fermentation vessel, where it can work more slowly and produce a cleaner tasting beer.

Lagers also undergo a longer aging process than other beers, which further contributes to their smooth taste. Some of the most popular lagers include Budweiser, Miller, and Coors. In recent years, craft breweries have also begun brewing their own versions of lager, often with unique flavor profiles.

Difference between Amber and Lager

  • Many people are familiar with the two main types of beer – amber, and lager – but may not be aware of the important differences between them. Amber beers are usually made with darker, heavier malt, which gives them their characteristic amber color and slightly sweet flavor. In contrast, lagers are brewed with light malt and generally have a cleaner, crisper taste.
  • The brewing process also plays a role in the final flavor of the beer – amber beers are typically fermented at higher temperatures, which can result in a fruitier taste, while lagers are fermented at lower temperatures for a longer period of time, producing a smoother flavor.
  • When it comes to choosing between amber and lager, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, it’s important to be aware of the key differences so that you can make an informed decision.


Amber and lager are two types of beer that you’re likely to come across. They both have their own unique flavor profile and history, which we’ve outlined for you in this blog post. So, what’s the difference between amber and lager? The main distinction is that amber beers are brewed with a higher proportion of malt sugars, resulting in a sweeter taste. Lagers, on the other hand, are brewed with more hops, lending them a bitterness that sets them apart from ambers.

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