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Differences between View and Materialized View

Differences between View and Materialized View

Are you familiar with the differences between a view and a materialized view? If not, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many people are unsure of the distinctions between these two types of database objects. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the differences between views and materialized views, as well as when you might want to use each one. We’ll also provide some tips for creating effective views and materialized views. Stay tuned!

What is View?

View is one of the database objects in SQL Server. It is used to store a SELECT statement as an object.Views are often used to provide security to data by providing a layer between the physical tables and the users. For example, consider a View that contains sensitive employee information such as salary.

  • Users who should not have access to this data can be given permission to the View instead of the underlying table. In this way, the users will not be able to see the sensitive data.Views can also be used to simplify complex queries.
  • For example, a View can be created that joins multiple tables and provides a simplified structure for the user. This can make it easier for users to query the data without having to write complicated SQL statements.
  • Viewscan also be used to improve performance by storing data that is accessed frequently in memory. This means that the data does not need to be retrieved from disk each time it is accessed, which can improve performance significantly. Views are an important part of SQL Server and can provide many benefits to both users and administrators.

What is Materialized View?

A Materialized View is a database object that contains the results of a query. It is typically used to improve performance by caching data in a way that can be quickly accessed. Materialized Views can be created for both local and remote databases, and they can be refreshed on demand or at regular intervals. When creating a Materialized View, it is important to consider the refresh interval and the amount of data that will be cached. Materialized Views can provide significant performance improvements, but they must be carefully configured to avoid negatively impacting the database.

Differences between View and Materialized View

View and Materialized View are two types of database objects that are used to store data. View is a logical representation of data whereas Materialized View is a physical copy of data. View does not take any space whereas Materialized View takes some space. View is used when the data is not changing frequently whereas Materialized View is used when the data is changing frequently. View is faster than the Materialized View. When the data in the base table changes, the changes are reflected immediately in the View but in case of Materialized View, we need to refresh it to reflect the changes.


In this blog post, we’ve explored the differences between views and materialized views. Views are great for querying data, but they don’t necessarily provide all of the benefits that come with using a materialized view. Materialized views offer improved performance and can help to avoid potential problems down the road. When deciding whether to use a view or a materialized view, it’s important to consider your specific needs and what will work best for your database. Thanks for reading!

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