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Differences between Rectangle and Trapezoid

Differences between Rectangle and Trapezoid

There are many different shapes in the world, but two of the most common are rectangle and trapezoid. Though they may look similar, there are some key differences between these two shapes. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what makes each one unique. So, which shape is right for your project? Let’s find out!

What is Rectangle?

A rectangle is a four-sided geometric figure with two pairs of parallel sides. It is the most basic shape in geometry, and its defining feature is its right angles. Rectangles are found in many everyday objects, such as doors, windows, and sidewalk tiles. They are also key building blocks in more complex shapes, such as hexagons and octagons.

Rectangles have many uses in mathematics and art due to their simple yet elegant structure. In addition to their basic properties, rectangles also have a number of important mathematical properties, such as the Pythagorean theorem. Rectangles are versatile and ubiquitous shape that has been studied by mathematicians for centuries.

What is Trapezoid?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides. It is also referred to as a Trapezoidal Prism. A trapezoid has several properties that are important to consider when using this figure in mathematical problems or proofs.

  • The most important Trapezoidal property is that the sum of the four angles of any Trapezoid is 360 degrees. This is true for any Trapezoid, no matter what its shape or size.
  • Additionally, the area of a Trapezoid can be calculated by formulas that take into account the lengths of the sides and the angle between the non-parallel sides.
  • These formulas are useful for solving problems in geometry and in other areas of mathematics. Lastly, the properties of Trapezoids can be used to prove various theorems in geometry. Theorems that involve Trapezoids can be very helpful in solving problems that arise in real-world situations.

Differences between Rectangle and Trapezoid

  • Rectangles and trapezoids are both quadrilaterals, which means they have four sides. However, there are some key differences between these two shapes. For one, a rectangle has four equal sides, while a trapezoid only has two equal sides.
  • Additionally, the angles of a rectangle are all 90 degrees, while the angles of a trapezoid can vary. Perhaps the most significant difference between these two shapes is that a rectangle can be divided into two equal halves, while a trapezoid cannot.
  • As a result, rectangles are considered to be more symmetrical than trapezoids. These differences may seem small, but they can have a big impact on the properties of these shapes.


Rectangles and trapezoids are two shapes that have different properties. In this blog post, we looked at the differences between rectangles and trapezoids. We found that a rectangle is a four-sided shape where all of the sides are the same length. A trapezoid has two parallel sides and two non-parallel sides. The base angles in a trapezoid are both greater than 90 degrees while the other angles are less than 90 degrees. Finally, a rectangle has more area than a trapezoid with the same perimeter. Thanks for reading!

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