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Differences between RB67 and RZ67

Differences between RB67 and RZ67

The RB67 and the RZ67 are both medium format SLR cameras that offer a variety of features. Though they share some similarities, there are a number of differences between these two models that photographers should be aware of before making a purchase. This post will outline some of the key distinctions between these cameras to help you decide which one is right for you.

What is RB67?

RB67 is a medium format film camera produced by Mamiya. It was first released in 1970 and was popular among professional photographers due to its durability and modular design. RB67 features a bellows focusing system, which allows for greater control over focus and depth of field. It also has a built-in spirit level, which helps to ensure that photos are level. RB67 is compatible with a variety of lenses and accessories, making it a versatile camera system. RB67 cameras are still in use today by both professional and amateur photographers.

What is RZ67?

RZ67 is a medium format SLR camera system produced by Mamiya. It was first introduced in 1982, and the latest model RZ67 Pro II was released in 2005. RZ67 cameras are unique in that they have a bellows unit between the lens and the film back, which allows for very fine focus control. This makes them ideal for macro photography and portrait work. The RZ67 system also includes a number of accessories, such as extension tubes and polarizing filters. Overall, the RZ67 is a high-quality camera system that offers excellent versatility and performance.

Differences between RB67 and RZ67

The RB67 and RZ67 are both medium format SLR cameras that were popular among professional photographers in the 1970s and 1980s. Though they share many similarities, there are a few key differences between the two models. The RB67 is a heavier and more robust camera, making it ideal for use in demanding environments. It also has a modular design, allowing photographers to swap out different components as needed. In contrast, the RZ67 is lighter and more compact, making it easier to carry on long shoots. Additionally, the RZ67 features built-in metering, something that the RB67 lacks. Though both cameras have their advantages, the RB67 is generally considered to be the better all-around choice for professional photographers.


Although the RB67 and RZ67 have some similarities, they also have several key differences. The RB67 is a more affordable option that offers excellent image quality, while the RZ67 is geared towards professional photographers who need additional features like a rotating back and removable viewfinder. Ultimately, which camera you choose depends on your individual needs and budget.

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