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Differences between MyISAM and InnoDB

Differences between MyISAM and InnoDB

There are two main types of storage engines used in MySQL: MyISAM and InnoDB. They both have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, which can make one better for certain applications than the other. In this article, we’ll take a look at the key differences between them.

What is MyISAM?

MyISAM is a storage engine for MySQL. It supports a wide variety of features, including full-text search and extended column attributes. MyISAM is also the default storage engine for MySQL prior to version 5.5. As of MySQL 5.5, InnoDB is the default storage engine. MyISAM is still available and can be used as the default storage engine if needed. MyISAM has a few advantages over InnoDB, such as being faster for read-only operations and supporting compression for MyISAM tables. MyISAM also uses less disk space than InnoDB for storing data. However, MyISAM does not support transactions or row-level locking, which can limit its usefulness in some applications. In general, MyISAM should only be used if the application does not require transactions or row-level locking. If these features are required, InnoDB should be used instead.

What is InnoDB?

InnoDB is a type of database storage engine that is commonly used in web applications. InnoDB is known for its high performance and reliability, as well as its support for transactions and foreign keys. In addition, InnoDB uses a row-level locking system, which allows it to provide better concurrency than other types of database engines. InnoDB is also notable for its crash recovery capabilities, which help to keep data consistent in the event of a power outage or other system failure. For these reasons, InnoDB is often the default choice for web applications that require high performance and reliability.

Differences between MyISAM and InnoDB

  • MyISAM and InnoDB are two of the most popular database engines. MyISAM is the default engine in MySQL, while InnoDB is the default engine in MariaDB. Both engines are widely used, but there are some important differences between them. MyISAM is typically faster for read-only operations, while InnoDB is generally faster for write-heavy operations.
  • MyISAM does not support transactions, while InnoDB does. MyISAM also does not support foreign keys, while InnoDB does. As a result, InnoDB is generally more robust and can scale better to large datasets.
  • However, MyISAM is sometimes preferred for its simplicity and ease of use. Ultimately, the best database engine for your application will depend on your specific needs and requirements.


The two protocols, NDM and FTP, have different purposes and benefits. Knowing which one to use for your specific needs can make a big difference in how successful your transfers are. Hopefully this article has helped clear up some of the confusion between the two protocols so that you can start using them both more effectively.

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