Morals vs. Values
What is difference between Morals and Values? Morals and values are part of the behavior of people. There are not too many differences between each one, in fact they are correlated. Morality is formed from innate values. That is to say, values define the morals of individuals.
Differences between Morals and Values
Morality is a belief system that is taught to understand and differentiate well from bad, while values are personal beliefs. In fact, the philosopher Immanuel Kant points out that morality must be formed from reason.
Morality has more acceptance and social value than values, therefore, a person is judged more by their moral character than by their values. To explain it more clearly: there is a term to indicate people without moral (immoral). However, there is nothing similar for those who lack values.
Another difference between morals and values is that the former serves as motivation or key to living in the right direction, while the values are fixed within the person’s conscience, can be good or bad depending on personal choices. They can also be called intuition or sixth sense. Morality does not determine values, but is formed from them, that is, we can say that values are a step prior to morality. It also contributes to our system of beliefs and values that we obtain from society.
Morality can be related to religion or the political system that influence individuals. But it is not the only type of moral that exists, for example, we can place the moral in business: it includes features such as excellence, fast service, quality, and safety, among others. However, the values may not match this system. Therefore, morality does not come from the unconscious of people. Rather it is taught by society and must be fulfilled. On the other hand, values are a standard for judging right and wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair. They are the main foundations that indicate the way in which people should evaluate the merits and demerits of something. Values include courage, respect, patriotism, honesty, honor, compassion, etc.
Finally, the difference between values and morality is that the latter are like the mandates taught by the elders of a society and must be followed by their descendants. They can be established by elders, religious or social leaders who want to alienate their people from immoral thoughts (or what they define is not correct).
Morality does not usually change during people’s lives. But on the other hand, values are not taught or established by society or by leaders, they are governed by individuals. The values do not establish the right of someone to act in a certain way, which can be well evaluated by one person not necessarily for another. Therefore, it is a very personal aspect and changes according to the different situations, time and needs.
- Morality is taught by society to individuals, while values come from the individual subconscious.
- Morals act as motivation for a good life, while values are more like intuition.
- Morality is related to the region, business or politics, while values are fundamental principles or personal beliefs.
- Morality is deeply established, while values change with time and needs.