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Differences between Malaysia and Singapore

Differences between Malaysia and Singapore

There are many differences between Malaysia and Singapore, which can be seen in a variety of areas such as political systems, economic development, and social customs. While the two nations share some similarities, there are also distinct distinctions that set them apart. This article will explore some of the key differences between Malaysia and Singapore.

Who is Malaysia?

Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country located on the Malay Peninsula and parts of the island of Borneo. Malaysia shares land borders with Thailand, Indonesia, and Brunei, and it has maritime boundaries with Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Malaysia covers an area of 329,847 square kilometers (127,354 square miles) and has a population of over 32 million people.

  • The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur, and the official languages are Malay, English, Chinese, and Tamil. Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government.
  • The head of state is Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and the head of government is the Prime Minister. Malaysia is a member of the Commonwealth, and it became a foundding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967.
  • The economy of Malaysia is diverse, and it is fuelled by exports of petroleum and liquefied natural gas, palm oil, timber, electronics, and rubber. Tourism is also an important part of the Malaysian economy. Malaysia is known for its tropical rainforests, beaches, and islands as well as its modern cities. Malaysia is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture.

Who is Singapore?

  • Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia. Founded as a British trading colony in 1819, Singapore joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. However, racial tensions and economic differences led to its separation from Malaysia two years later. Singapore is a highly developed market economy, and its per capita GDP ranks it as one of the wealthiest nations in the world.
  • The city-state also has a strong global presence, playing a major role in international finance and trade. Singapore is known for its clean and efficient government, as well as its strict laws on crime and drugs.
  • The country is also home to a diverse population, with Singaporeans of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eurasian descent making up the majority of the population. Singapore is a cosmopolitan and dynamic city-state, and it continues to play an important role in the global economy.

Differences between Malaysia and Singapore

Malaysia and Singapore are two Southeast Asian countries that share many similarities, but there are also a number of significant differences between them. One of the most obvious is their size – Malaysia is more than three times the size of Singapore.

  • This difference is reflected in their populations, with Malaysia’s population of nearly 30 million while Singapore’s is just over 5 million. Malaysia is also a much more ethnically diverse country, with Malay, Chinese, Indian, and other ethnic groups all represented.
  • This diversity is reflected in Malaysia’s cuisine, which is a fusion of different influences. Singapore, on the other hand, has a large Chinese population, and its cuisine reflects this.
  • Another significant difference between Malaysia and Singapore is their political systems. Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy while Singapore is a republic. Malaysia also has a slightly higher level of economic development than Singapore, although both countries are considered to be developed economies. Despite these differences, Malaysia and Singapore share many commonalities, such as a colonial history (both were once part of the British Empire) and a tropical climate.


Although both Malaysia and Singapore have a lot in common, there are some distinct differences between the two countries. From culture to economy, these discrepancies can be seen in various aspects of life. If you’re planning on doing business in either country, it’s important to be aware of these distinctions and how they may impact your venture.

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