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Differences between Jam and Preserves

Differences between Jam and Preserves

What’s the difference between jam and preserves? The two words are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction. Jam is made with crushed or chopped fruit, while preserves involve larger chunks of fruit that are cooked down to a thicker consistency. Jams typically have a smoother texture, while preserves can be a little more chunky. Both are delicious on toast, but preserves also make great toppings for yogurt or ice cream. Which do you prefer?

What is Jam?

Jam is a type of preserve made from fruit and sugar that is boiled to a thick consistency. Jam is typically made with berries, but can also be made with other fruits such as apricots, peaches, or plums. The fruit is chopped or pureed and then combined with sugar and cooked until the mixture thickens. Jam can be canned or stored in jars for later use. Jam is often used as a spread on toast or as a filling for cakes and pastries. Jam can also be used in sauces or as a topping for ice cream.

What are Preserves?

Preserves are jams, jellies, or marmalades that are made with whole fruit, rather than just fruit juice. This gives preserves a more robust flavor and a chunky texture. Preserves are typically made with fruits that are high in pectins, such as apples and grapes. The fruit is cooked down into a thick syrup, and then sugar is added to help preserve the fruit and prevent it from going bad. Preserves can be stored in jars for up to a year, making them a convenient way to enjoy the taste of summer all year round.

Differences between Jam and Preserves

Jam and Preserves are both spreads made from fruit, but there are a few key differences between them.

  • Jam is made by cooking fruit and sugar together until the mixture is thick and spreadable.
  • Preserves are also made with fruit and sugar, but the fruit is cooked for a shorter time so that it retains its shape.
  • As a result, preserves have a chunky texture, while jam has a smooth consistency.
  • Jam is typically made with softer fruits like berries, while preserve recipes often call for harder fruits like apples or apricots.

Finally, Jam can be made with fresh or frozen fruit, while Preserves are always made with fresh fruit. So whether you’re looking for a smooth or chunky spread, Jam or Preserves are sure to hit the spot.


Jam and preserves are both fruit spreads, but there are some key differences. The most obvious difference is that jam is made of crushed or chopped fruit, while preserves are made of whole pieces of fruit. Jam also has a smoother texture since the fruit is cooked down more, while preserves have a chunkier texture because the fruit is not cooked as much. Finally, jams typically contain sugar and pectin to help them thicken and set, while preserves do not always contain added sugar.

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