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Differences between Islam and Jihad

Differences between Islam and Jihad

Islam and Jihad may seem like similar concepts to some, but they are actually quite different. Islam is a religion while Jihad is a holy war that is waged in the name of Allah. Many people believe that Islam and Jihad are one and the same, but this could not be further from the truth. In order to understand the differences between these two concepts, we need to take a closer look at each one individually.

What is Islam?

Islam is a major monotheistic religion, with over 1.8 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and is the second-largest religion in the world. Islam teaches that there is only one God and that Muhammad is his final prophet. Muslims believe in the Five Pillars of Islam, which include faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage. Islam also has a strong emphasis on justice and compassion, and its followers are expected to treat others with kindness and respect. Islam is a complex and diverse religion, with a rich history and culture that has shaped the lives of millions of people around the world.

What is Jihad?

Jihad is often misunderstood. Jihad does not mean ‘holy war.’ The word Jihad comes from the Arabic root juhd, meaning effort or struggle. Jihad is an obligation of every Muslim.

  • Jihad is often misunderstood. Jihad does not mean ‘holy war.’ The word Jihad comes from the Arabic root juhd, meaning effort or struggle. Jihad is an obligation of every Muslim.
  • There are two types of Jihad: the greater Jihad and the lesser Jihad. The greater Jihad is the internal struggle to become a better person. The lesser Jihad is the external struggle to protect Islam and defend Muslims.
  • Jihad is a fundamental Islamic concept. Muslims are required to do their best to follow Allah’s commands, both in their inner lives and in their outer lives. Jihad is one way that Muslims strive to make the world a better place and to please Allah.

Differences between Islam and Jihad

Islam is a religion that has a following of over 1.5 billion people worldwide. Jihad, on the other hand, is much less understood.

  • The word “jihad” means “struggle” in Arabic, and it can refer to both an individual’s personal struggles as well as the collective struggle of the Muslim community.
  • Islam teaches that there is a struggle between good and evil in the world and that Muslims have a responsibility to fight against evil. This struggle can be both physical and spiritual.
  • Jihad is often misunderstood to be a holy war, but Islam does not condone violence except in self-defense.
  • In fact, many Muslim scholars believe that Jihad should only be used as a last resort.
  • Islam teaches that peace is preferable to war and that Islam is a religion of peace.

The goal of Islam is to create a just and peaceful society, and jihad is only one part of that goal.


The difference between Islam and Jihad is that Islam is a religion while Jihad is an act of war. Muslims are not supposed to wage jihad except in self-defense. Some people have taken the meaning of jihad to be “holy war,” but this is not what it means according to Islamic teaching. Jihad can also refer to personal struggles against sin or striving for righteousness. So, while there may be some differences in how different Muslims interpret jihad, the general idea is that it should only be used as a last resort and always in accordance with Islamic teachings.

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