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Differences between Dun and Buckskin

Differences between Dun and Buckskin

Did you know that there are two types of horses, Dun and Buckskin? While they may look similar, there are some distinct differences between these two breeds. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the characteristics of each type of horse, and explore what makes them unique. So, if you’re curious about Duns and Buckskins, keep reading!

What is Dun?

Dun is a color that is similar to gray or brown. It is often used in reference to horses, as this is the color of many horse breeds. Dun horses have a coat that is dun-colored, with or without other markings. The dun gene creates a range of colors, from light gray to dark brown. These colors are often described as earth tones. Dun horses are often said to have a “dappled” coat, with lighter and darker areas. The dun gene is a dominant gene, which means that it only takes one copy of the gene to produce the dun coloration. Dun horses are found all over the world, and they come in a variety of breeds. Some popular dun horse breeds include the American Quarter Horse, the Icelandic Horse, and the Fjord Horse.

What is Buckskin?

Buckskin is a color of horse, typically characterized by a dun-colored coat with black points. The black points include the mane, tail, and lower legs. Buckskins are often confused with bay horses, but the two colors are quite distinct. Bay horses have brown coats with black points, while buckskins have tan-colored coats with black points. Buckskins are relatively rare, and their popularity has fluctuated over time. In the early 20th century, buckskins were very popular in the American West, but their popularity declined in the mid-20th century. In recent years, however, there has been a resurgence in interest in buckskin horses.

Differences between Dun and Buckskin

Dun and Buckskin horses are often confused with each other, but there are some key differences between the two. Dun horses usually have a light dun coat with dark points, while buckskins tend to be a bit darker overall. Buckskins may also have some gray or roan in their coat, while duns typically do not. Another difference is that duns often have a dorsal stripe running down their back, while buckskins usually do not. Finally, duns tend to have lighter manes and tails than buckskins. These are just some of the key ways to tell Dun and Buckskin horses apart.


The dun and buckskin coat colors are two of the most popular horse coat colors. They are both beautiful horses, but they do have some differences. Buckskins tend to be a lighter color than duns, and their manes and tails are usually a different color than the rest of their body. Buckskins also have more black in their coats than duns. Duns can have any color of the hair on their heads, while buckskins always have black hair on their heads.

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