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Differences between Cotyledon and Endosperm

Differences between Cotyledon and Endosperm

Did you know that there are different parts inside a seed? There is the outer layer called the cotyledon, and the inner layer that contains the food for the baby plant is called the endosperm. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two layers. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Cotyledon?

Cotyledon is a word derived from the Greek meaning “seed leaf.” In botany, a cotyledon is a seed leaf, the first leaf that appears from a germinating seed. Cotyledons store food reserves that the young plant will use until it develops true leaves and can begin photosynthesis. Most plants have one or two cotyledons, but some plants, such as orchids, have no cotyledons at all. The number and appearance of cotyledons can be used to classify plants into different groups. For example, monocots are plants that have only one cotyledon, while dicots have two. Cotyledons are an important part of the plant life cycle, and their study can provide valuable insights into the evolution of plants.

What is Endosperm?

The endosperm is a type of cellular tissue found in many seeds. It develops from the embryo sac and is generally rich in nutrients, making it an important food source for the developing embryo. Endosperm also plays a role in seed dormancy, protecting the embryo from dehydration and other stresses. In some plants, such as maize, the endosperm continues to develop after germination, providing a source of nutrition for the young plant. In others, such as most legumes, the endosperm is consumed during germination and does not persist into adulthood. The endosperm is a complex tissue that performs many essential functions in the plant life cycle.

Differences between Cotyledon and Endosperm

  • Cotyledon and endosperm are two important parts of a seed. Cotyledons store food for the developing plant and are the first leaves to emerge from the seed. The endosperm is a supportive tissue that surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition during germination. Cotyledons are found in all flowering plants, while the endosperm is present in most but not all seeds.
  • When a seed germinates, the cotyledons absorb water and swell, providing nourishment to the growing embryo. The endosperm remains relatively unchanged during this process.
  • Once the plant has established itself, the cotyledons wither and fall off, while the endosperm continues to provide nutrients until it is used up or replaced by true leaves. Cotyledons and endosperm perform different but essential roles in the life of a seedling. Without either of these tissues, a plant would not be able to survive.


The cotyledon is the first structure to emerge from the embryo of a seed. It is typically quite large and provides nutrients to the developing plant. The endosperm, on the other hand, is formed after the cotyledon. This tissue surrounds and protects the embryo and also provides it with nutrients. There are many other differences between these two structures, including their appearance and function. So far, scientists have discovered that the genes expressed in each are different as well.

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