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Differences between a Dug and Drilled Well

Differences between a Dug and Drilled Well

When you are drilling a water well, there are two main types of wells you can drill: dug and drilled. Each type of well has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the differences before deciding which type of well is right for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the key differences between dug and drilled wells. We will also provide some tips on how to decide which type of well is best for your needs.

What is a Dug Well?

Dug wells are one of the most ancient and common types of wells. They are typically shallow and lined with stone, brick, or concrete. Dug wells range in depth from just a few feet to several hundred feet. The construction of a dug well involves excavating a hole in the ground and then lining it with a watertight material. Dug wells have been used for centuries as a source of water for households, farms, and villages. In many parts of the world, they are still the primary source of water for millions of people. Dug wells are an important part of the global water supply and play a vital role in meeting the needs of communities around the world.

What is Drilled Well?

Drilled wells are a type of well that is created by drilling a hole in the ground. The hole is then lined with a pipe, and a pump is used to draw water from the well. Drilled wells are typically used for irrigation or drinking water. Drilled wells can be either shallow or deep, depending on the needs of the user. Shallow wells are typically used for irrigation, while deep wells are used for drinking water. Drilled wells can be either hand-dug or mechanized. Mechanized drilled wells are typically deeper than hand-dug wells and can be more expensive to construct. Drilled wells are a reliable source of water, but they can be susceptible to contamination if they are not properly constructed and maintained.

Differences between a Dug and Drilled Well

Dug and drilled wells are both types of wells that are used to bring water up from underground. However, there are some key differences between the two. Dug wells are shallower than drilled wells and are typically only about 30 feet deep. They are also less expensive to build. Drilled wells, on the other hand, can be hundreds of feet deep and require special equipment to drill.

Dug wells also have a higher risk of contamination than drilled wells since they are closer to the surface and may not be lined with cement or other materials. Drilled wells are also more likely to provide a consistent supply of water since they reach deeper aquifers. Ultimately, the type of well that is right for you will depend on your needs and budget.


The main difference between a dug and drilled well is the way water is accessed. A dug well uses an uncovered wellhead to allow water to seep in, while a drilled well has a casing that goes all the way down to the water table. This casing helps protect the well from contamination and also allows for better pumping capacity. So which type of well should you choose for your home? If you have access to relatively clean surface water, then a dug well may be adequate.

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