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Difference between Zygote and Fetus

Difference between Zygote and Fetus

The terms “zygote” and “fetus” are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two. A zygote is a single-celled organism created when the sperm and egg unite in fertilization. The term “fetus” refers to the developing baby from week four of gestation until birth. This blog post will explore the developmental stages of a human embryo/fetus in more detail.

What is Zygote?

  • A zygote is an early stage in the development of an organism. In sexual reproduction, it is formed when a female egg cell is fertilized by a male sperm cell. The Zygote contains the DNA from both the mother and the father, and it will go on to develop into an embryo.
  • After a few weeks, the Zygote will implant itself in the wall of the uterus, where it will continue to grow and develop into a baby. Zygotes are typically very robust and resilient, and they have an amazing ability to repair DNA damage.
  • In fact, Zygotes have been used to successfully treat patients with genetic diseases. However, Zygotes are also very sensitive to environmental factors, such as radiation and toxins. Therefore, it is important to protect Zygotes from harmful exposure during pregnancy.

What is Fetus?

  • The fetus is a term used to describe an unborn human being in the developmental stage prior to birth. In medical terms, a fetus is considered to be viable if it is capable of surviving outside the mother’s womb.
  • Most fetuses reach viability around the 24th week of gestation, although this can vary depending on the individual. The word fetus comes from the Latin word for “offspring,” and it is also sometimes referred to as a “developing child.” Fetal development occurs in three main stages: the embryonic stage, the fetal stage, and the neonatal stage.
  • During the embryonic stage, which lasts from conception to week eight of gestation, the major organs and body systems begin to develop. The fetal stage begins at week nine and lasts until birth, during which time the fetus continues to grow and mature. After birth, the neonatal stage begins, during which time the newborn adjusts to life outside the womb.

Difference between Zygote and Fetus

A zygote is a name for the fertilized egg until it implants in the uterus. After implantation, it is then referred to as a fetus. Zygotes are usually formed when an egg is fertilized by a sperm during sexual intercourse, but they can also be created artificially, through in-vitro fertilization.

  • Zygotes contain all of the genetic information (DNA) needed to develop into a baby. They are microscopic in size and can only be seen through a microscope.
  • Fetuses are unborn babies in the later stages of development. By definition, a fetus is an unborn human more than eight weeks after fertilization. Fetuses are no longer considered zygotes once they implant in the uterus and start to grow.
  • During the early stages of pregnancy, fetuses look like balls of cells. However, as they continue to develop, they begin to take on human features. By the end of the pregnancy, most fetuses weigh between 6 and 9 pounds and are about 20 inches long from head to toe.


The zygote is the first stage of development and is created when the sperm and egg unite. The fetus is the second stage of development, and it begins to form after the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. There are many important differences between a zygote and a fetus, including their size, weight, and level of development. It is important to understand these differences when making decisions about abortion or prenatal care.

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